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Edith Fisher Hunter


Birth Date 3 dec 1919

Death Date 28 apr 2012

Personal Name Edith F. Hunter

WEATHERSFIELD — Edith Fisher Hunter, 92, died April 28, 2012, at her home on the Center Road.

She was born December 3, 1919, in Roxbury, Mass., the third and youngest child of Andrew and Frances Way Fisher.

She graduated from Wellesley College (1941) and Union Theological Seminary (1943), where she met and married William Armstrong Hunter III, a fellow student.

She was the mother of four children and wrote and spoke extensively about education, children and nature, the teaching of values, and the importance of the role of women as mothers, authoring many articles and six books.

She was an editor for the Religious Education Division of Beacon Press and co-edited and published The Weathersfield Weekly, winning several awards. She established and edited the newsletter for the Weathersfield Historical Society, an organization she also served as president, curator, board member, genealogist and volunteer. Her History of Weathersfield For Young People is part of the 4th grade curriculum, and she shared the wonders of nature and history with generations of school children at her home and up the road at the Dan Foster House Museum.

She served on the Weathersfield School Board from 1972 to 1978 and was an elected Democratic Justice of the Peace from 1987 until 2005, continuing to help with elections after that.

She had a huge garden and made apple cider and maple syrup.

In 2001 she became a commentator on Vermont Public Radio, recording some 200 pieces on education, history, gardening, and life in general.
