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Leon Battista Alberti


Birth Date 14 February 1404

Death Date 25 April 1472

Personal Name Leon Battista Alberti

Alternate Names

  • Leone Battista Alberti
  • Leon Batti Alberti
  • Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472.

Official Sites

Italian author, artist, architect, poet, priest, linguist, philosopher, cryptographer and general Renaissance humanist polymath. Although he is often characterized as an "architect" exclusively, as James Beck has observed "to single out one of Leon Battista's 'fields' over others as somehow functionally independent and self-sufficient is of no help at all to any effort to characterize Alberti's extensive explorations in the fine arts." Alberti's life was described in Giorgio Vasari's Vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori or 'Lives of the most excellent painters, sculptors and architects'. (Source: Wikipedia)