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Robert B Boyd Jr


Birth Date 1948

Death Date 2009

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Robert B. Boyd Jr. (1948 - 2009), is the author of Alone in Vietnam, a book of narratives and personal experiences as an infantry soldier in South Vietnam.

His service in the infantry in Vietnam in the 196th Americal Division from June 3, 1968 thru June 3, 1969 has been the dominate influence of his life because of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that he developed as a result of his combat experiences. From the age of 20,everything he experienced was through this distorted lens.

Rob was born in Hartford, Ct. in 1948. He was educated in Manchester public schools and graduated from Cheney Technical Training School in 1966. After he returned from Vietnam, he attended the University of Massachusetts in 1974 and 1975.

Robert B. Boyd died in April 2009. He completed these stories in spring of 2007 after receiving a diagnosis of stage 4 cancer. He wrote them knowing that he would not be here to tell them.

“These are my stories: They are true, not moral I make no apologies. There are no happy endings These are my stories”

from ALONE IN VIETNAM by Robert B. Boyd Jr. Copyright 2007