Seth Barron (New York, NY) is a New York City-based reporter and editor who has covered local politics closely for more than ten years. Associate editor of urban policy at City Journal, a publication of the Manhattan Institute, Barron is a widely-read columnist and reporter on politics and issues in New York City. Barron became intimately familiar with the ins and outs of New York City politics through his City Council Watch blog, and then worked in City Hall as legislative director for a council member from Queens. His work has appeared in the New York Post, New York Daily News, and Wall Street Journal and also appears regularly on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News to discuss New York City issues. He frequently appears on a range of local and national television and radio programs as a commentator.
The author lives & works in the New York City metro area.
Seth Barron is managing editor of The American Mind, a publication of The Claremont Institute. He writes primarily about New York City politics and culture. Barron has a B.A. in English literature from Trinity University and an M.A. and M.Phil. in the same subject from Yale University.