

Sherna Berger Gluck



Birth Date: 1 Jan 1935

<b>Sherna Berger Gluck</b> (b. 1935) is an American activist and oral historian. Her first book, <i>From Parlor to Prison</i> (1976), is an oral history of the women's suffrage movement. An advocate for the Palestinian people, she is a co-host of the <i>Radio Intifada</i> show on KPFK; her most recent book is <i>An American Feminist In Palestine</i>. Her historical work led to the recognition of women's oral history as a distinct discipline. Gluck received her undergraduate education at <a href="http://shimer.edu#Brief_description">Shimer College in Illinois</a>, where she enrolled at age 15 through the <a href="http://www.shimer.edu/academicprograms/undergraduate/earlyentrantprogram.cfm">early entrance program</a>. She later received advanced degrees from UCLA and UC Berkeley. (from <a href="http://shimercollege.wikia.com/Sherna_Gluck#Brief_description">Shimer College Wiki</a>)