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Tiziano Thomas Dossena


Birth Date 19 September 1952

Alternate Names

  • T. Dossena
  • Tiziano Dossena

Tiziano Thomas Dossena was born in Milan in 1952. He grew up in an artistic and inspiring environment and began writing at a young age. He moved to United States at sixteen and completed his studies in America.

When he returned to Italy in 1978, he received the third prize for poetry at the “Biennale di Boniprati.” Additional awards and nominations were won on in the following years, both for poetry and fiction. Among those worth noting, the first prize for essays at the “De Finibus Terrae” contest; the second prize for poetry at “Voci Nostre;” the first prize for fiction “Coppa del Mare” at the “Premio Città di Modica;” the second prize for poetry at “Noi e gli Altri;” the Gold Medal for Journalism at “Premio Emigrazione;” the second prize with a silver medal at the

“Premio Europa” for fiction; qualifying, again for poetry, in third place at the “Premio Napoli” and “Premio Collare d’Italia” contests; in fourth place at the “Premio La Nuova Fonte;” and fifth in the “PremioUngaretti.”

His works have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies in Italy, France, Greece, Switzerland and the United States. .

Dossena is a staff writer of the magazine USA Bridge Apulia (Lecce) and the Editorial Director of the L’Idea Magazine (Brooklyn, New York). Dossena was a council member (1998-2004) and Secretary (1998-2001) of the COMITES (Committee of Italians Abroad) in New York and has served in various functions within the Circolo Culturale di Mola. Tiziano Thomas Dossena is also a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Accademia Tiberina, Accademia dei Bronzi, Accademia Marconi, Haute Académie Française and the Académie desMarches (France).

Dossena is the uthor of "Caro Fantozzi", published by Scriptum Press in December 2008, and "Dona Flor, An Opera by van Westerhout", published by Idea Publications in April 2010.