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V. B. Hosagoudar


Personal Name V. B. Hosagoudar

PART VII: PROFORMA FOR BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF INVESTIGATORS Name : Dr. V.B. Hosagoudar Designation : Scientist E1 Department/Institute/University : Head, Microfungi & Lichens Unit Tropical Botanic Garden & Research Institute Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

Education (Post-Graduation onwards & Professional Career) Degree Year College/Institution University B.Sc. 1974 Kittel College, Dharwad Karnataka University M.Sc. 1976 Y.C. institute of Science, Satara, Maharashtra Shivaji University D.B.M. (Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management) 1978 D.G. College of Commerce, Satara, Maharashtra Shivaji University Ph. D. 1987 Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore Bharathiar University D.Sc. (Doctor of Science) 2000 Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore Bharathiar University

Area of Specialization : Microbial taxonomy Authority on Indian Meliolales, Asterinales, the genus Schiffnerula & Powdery Mildews of India. Contributed to Rusts and Tar spot diseases.

Honors 1. Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society 2. Member of American Biographic Institution 3. Member of New York Academy of Sciences 4. Member of Kerala Academy of Sciences 5. Editorial committee member of Indian Phytopathology Journal from 2007 to 2010 6. Associate editor to mycology to Indian Phytopathology Journal from 2010 onwards 7. Council member of Indian Mycological Society 8. Editorial committee Member of Zoos’ Print Journal from 2006 to 2009 9. Editorial committee Member of Journal of Threatened Taxa from 2009 onwards 10. Name entered as “outstanding scientists of the 21st century” 11. Name is in “World’s Who is Who” dictionary 12. Name entered in “Who is Who in Asia” dictionary 13. Name entered in the Marquis Dictionary as “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering”. 14. Research Advisor in Microbiology to Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust, Women’s College, Mannargudi 641 001, Tamil Nadu since 2007 15. Editor of J. Scient. Trans. Environ. Techn., BVG Trust, Mannargudi 16. Outstanding scientist of the year 2010 among 2000 scientists in the world 17. The name honoured with two species of my specialisation: Lembosia hosagoudari Sivanesan & R.G. Shivas (Fungal Diversity, 11:163, 2002) and Meliola hosagoudarii Song (Fungal Diversity12: 174, 203)

Professional Experience  Working on Microfungi for more than three decades  Have worked for fifteen years on the microfungal taxonomy in a highly reputed Botanical Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore  Worked on ethnobotany of Nallamalai (AP), Nilgiris and Anamalai (TN) and B.R. Hills (Karnataka)  Have four years teaching experience in the subject Forest Pathology to Assistant Conservators of Forests  Established a fungal exsiccatae (Herbarium) for the first time in Kerala, which forms the third in India- holds more than 3400 exsiccatae with readily available permanent slides and descriptions  Surveyed foliicolous fungi of Idukki Hydro-electric Project Area, Munnar and Wayanad regions and Peppara & Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuaries. Work on Palode forest range has been completed

Research guide  Recognized Ph.D. guide (in Botany and Biotechnology) of Kerala University, Kerala  Recognized Ph.D. guide (in Botany and Microbiology) of Kannur University, Kerala  Recognized Ph.D. guide (in Microbiology) of Bharathidasan University, Thiruchi, Tamil Nadu  Eleven students are working for their Ph.D., One from Kerala University has been awarded on Asterinales of Kerala; two have been submitted to Kannur University; one to Bharathidasan University and two to Kannur University will be submitting by the end of 2010.

B. Publications (Numbers only): Books : 7, Research Papers: 339, Reports : 6, Discoveries: Proposed two new families, 15 -new genera, 776 -new species and varieties LIST OF PUBLICATIONS

Books published

  1.       Hosagoudar, V. B.1996. Meliolales of India. Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta,pp. 363.
    1. Hosagoudar, V. B., Abraham, T. K. and P. Pushpangadan 1996. Fungi of Kerala. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 151.
      1.  -----, ----- and ----- 1997. The Meliolineae - A Supplement. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pp. 201.
        1. Hosagoudar, V. B. 2008. Meliolales of India. Vol. II.  Botanical  Survey of India, Calcutta, pp. 390. 
          1. Hosagoudar, V. B. and Agarwal, D.K. 2008. Taxonomic studies of Meliolales. Identification Manual. International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun, pp. 263.

  2. Hosagoudar, V. B. and Agarwal, D.K. 2008. Powdery mildews of India –Check list. Associated Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 106. 
    1. Hosagoudar, V. B. 2010. Foliicolous fungal flora of peppara and neyyar wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala state, India. Balavidya Ganapathy educational and charitable trust, Sundarakkottai, Mannargudi 614 016, India, pp. 124 +32 plates.

Papers Published 1. Hosagoudar, V. B. 1983. Teliospore abnormality in Puccinia versicolor Diet. & Holw. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 4: 983-984. 2. ------- 1984. A new rust on Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb. from Idukki, Kerala, India. Curr. Sci. 53: 106-107. 3. -------1984. Two interesting fungi on Cinnamomum malabatrum from Idukki, Kerala, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5: 208-211. 4. ------ 1984. Oidium braunii sp. nov. from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Sydowia 37: 50-52. 5. Chavan, P.B. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1984. Three new fungi from Satara, Maharashtra, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5: 447 – 450. 6. ----- and ----- 1985. A preliminary survey of the fungi on monocot crops and weeds of Satara, Maharashtra, India. Ibid. 6: 239 – 243. 7. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1985. Teliomycetes of south India. Indian Phytopathol. 38: 278-281. 8. -----. 1985. New and noteworthy species of Phyllachora from India. Ibid. 38: 447-450. 9. -----. 1985. Miscellaneous fungi from south India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7: 45-47. 10. -----. 1985. Comments on some meliolaceous fungi earlier reported from India. Ibid. 6: 249-252 11. ----- and Alka Pande 1985. A new tar spot disease on Millettia rubiginosa Wight & Arn. from Idukki, Kerala, India. Biovigyanam 11: 109-110. 12. ----- and J. N. Kapoor 1985. New technique of mounting meliolaceous fungi. Indian Phytopathol. 38: 548-549. 13. ----- and M. Mohanan 1985. A new medium for mounting meliolaceous fungi. Curr. Sci. 54: 1131-1132. 14. ----- and N.C. Nair 1985. Two new species of Phyllachoraceae from Idukki, Kerala, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7: 459-551. 15. ----- and ----- 1985. A new species of Uredo Pers. on Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. from Idukki, Kerala, India. Ibid. 7: 519-520. 16. ----- and A.N. Raghunathan 1985. Mycological notes on some rust fungi reported from India. Ibid. 7: 237-239. 17. ----- and V.S. Raju 1985. Taxonomic notes on two species of Meliola Fr. described from Maharashtra, India. Ibid. 6: 117-118. 18. Pawar, A.B., Patil, M.S. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1985. Plectomycetes of Maharashtra. Geobios new reports 4: 65-69. 19 Sarbhoy, A.K., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Nasim Ahmad 1985. Three new Hyphomycetes from Idukki, Kerala, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7: 521-525. 20. Subbalakshmi, G., Ramachar, P., Bagyanarayana, G. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1985. Observations on a gall-inducing rust and its hyperparasite. 13th Ann. Meet. Mycol. Soc. India, Pune. 21. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1986. Meliola petrakii Stev. & Rold., a new record to India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 8: 473-474. 22. ----- and U. Braun 1986. Oidium caesalpiniacearum sp. nov. In : U. Braun’s - Taxonomic notes on some powdery mildews of various genera. Mycotaxon 25: 267. 23. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1987. Aecidium painavuensis sp. nov. from Idukki, Kerala, India. Curr. Sci. 56: 94-95. 24. ----- 1987. Phyllachora prataprajii sp. nov. from Kerala. Indian Phytopathol. 40: 396-397. 25. ----- 1987. Meliolaceae of south India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 11: 157-160. 26. ----- 1987. A new tar spot disease on Aporusa lindleyana (Wight) Baill. from Idukki, Kerala, India. Ibid. 11: 185-187. 27. ----- 1987. Meliolaceae of south India - II. Sydowia 40: 113-121. 28. ----- 1987. Meliola ramacharii sp. nov. from Tamil Nadu, India. Kavaka 15: 5-6. 29. ----- and N.C. Nair 1987. Miscellaneous fungi from south India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 9: 373-377. 30. Bagyanarayana, G., Subbalakshmi, G., Ramachar, P. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1987. Nyssopsora schefflerae sp. nov. from India. Curr. Sci. 56: 1022-1023. 31. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1988. Meliolaceae of south India - IV. Indian Bot. Reptr. 7: 58-60. 32. ----- 1988. Miscellaneous fungi from south India - III. Ibid. 7: 93-94. 33. ----- 1988. Meliolaceae of south India - V. Nova Hedwigia 47: 535-542. 34. ----- 1988. A new species of black mildew from Andhra Pradesh, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 12: 246-247. 35. ----- 1988. Uredinales of Kerala. Ibid. 12: 265-272. 36. ----- and V.T. Antony 1988. Two new species of Meliolaceae from south India. J. Swamy Bot. Club 5: 73-75. 37. -----, Lakshmanan, K.K. and M.B. Viswanathan 1988. Meliolaceae of south India - III. Indian J. Bot. 11: 185-187. 38. -----, Manian, S. and S. Vasuki 1988. Miscellaneous fungi from south India - IV. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 12: 421-423. 39. Bagyanarayana, G., Braun, U. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1988. Ovulariopsis lawsoniae pec. nov. Mycotaxon 32: 457-459. 40. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1989. A new variety of Meliola carissae Doidge from India. Curr. Sci. 58: 145-146. 41. ----- 1989. A new species of Olivea Arth. from India. Nova Hedwigia 49: 203-205. 42. ----- 1989. The genus Phyllachora Nke in Fckl. in Kerala State. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 13: 121-124. 43. -----. 1989. A new Oidium species from Coimbatore, India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India. 31: 162-163. 44. ----- 1989. Oidium bonplandiani, a new species of powdery mildew from Coimbatore, India. Ibid. 31: 183-184. 45 ----- and U. Braun 1989. A new black mildew from India. Crypt. Bot. 1: 56-57. 46. ----- and R.D. Goos 1989. Meliolaceous fungi from the state of Kerala, India - I. Mycotaxon 36: 221-247. 47. ----- and S. Manian 1989. A new species of Amazonia Theiss. from Karnataka. J.Econ. Taxon. Bot. 13: 45-46. 48. -----, Patil, M.S. and N.P.Balakrishnan 1989. Taxonomic notes on Indian Meliolaceae. Ibid. 13: 78-82. 49. ----- and A. Rajendran 1989. Meliolaceae of south India - VI. Ibid. 13: 75-77. 50. -----, Rajendran, A. and P. Daniel 1989. A new species of Phyllachora from the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Ibid. 13: 60-61. 51. Braun, U. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1989. Two new Oidium species from India. Int. J. Mycol. Lichenol. 4: 187-190. 52. Manian, S. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1989. Occurrence of sooty mould on the noxious weed Lantana camara in the Western Ghats: its evaluation as a biocontrol agent. Sci. & Cult. 55: 454-455. 53. Katumoto, K. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1989. Supplement to Hansford’s The Meliolineae Monograph. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 13: 615-635. 54. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1990. Some powdery mildews from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian J. Forestry 13: 223-225. 55. ----- 1990. The identity and nomenclature of Dothidea microcenta Berkeley & Broome. Indian J. Bot. 13 86-87. 56. ----- 1990. Oidium nyctaginacearum sp. nov. from Coimbatore. Indian Phytopathol. 43: 217-218. 57. ----- and R.D. Goos 1990. Meliolaceous fungi from the state of Kerala, India-II. The genus Meliola. Mycotaxon 37: 217-272. 58. ----- and ----- 1990. Meliolaceae of south India – VII. Ibid. 37: 403-411. 59. ----- and M. Mohanan 1990. A new powdery mildew fungus from Tamil Nadu, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 14: 617-618. 60. Lakshmanan, V. Bharghavan, P. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1990. A new variety of Meliola sempeiensis Yamam. (Meliolaceae) from Great Nicobar. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 6: 153-154. 61. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1991. Some powdery mildews from Tamil Nadu, India. Sydowia 43: 23-30. 62. ----- 1991. Ascospore germination in meliolaceous fungi. Nova Hedwigia 52: 81-87. 63. ----- 1991. Meliolaceae of south India - VIII. Crypt. Bot. 23: 183-187. 64. ----- 1991. Meliolaceae of south India - IX. Nova Hedwigia 52: 497-503. 65. ----- 1991. The genus Armatella (P.Henn.) Theiss. & Sydow (Meliolaceae) in India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 15: 195-202. 66. ----- and A.A. Ansari 1991. Meliola mangiferae Earle, a new record to Andaman Island. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 7: 89-90. 67. ----- and N.P. Balakrishnan 1991. The genus Micropera Leveille in India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.15: 477-478. 68. ----- and R.D. Goos 1991. Meliolaceae of south India - X. Mycotaxon 42: 125 -147. 69. ----- and A.N. Henry 1991. Ethnobotany of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce (Mimosaceae). Ethnobotany 3: 47-49. 70 -----, Vijayanthi, V., Udaiyan, K. and Siddappa 1991. Oidium cryptolepidis sp.nov. from Tamil Nadu, India. New Botanist 18: 241-242. 71. Sreekumar, P.V. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1991. Phyllachora andamanica, a new fungus species from Andamans. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 7: 87-88. 72. Udaiyan, K. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1991. Some interesting fungi from the industrial water cooling towers of Madras - II. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 15: 649-666. 73. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1992. Prataprajella, a new genus of the family Meliolaceae. Nova Hedwigia 55: 223-226. 74. -----, Braun, U. and R. Rabindran 1992. Oidium murrayae sp. nov. Int. J. Mycol. Lichenol. 5: 213-215. 75. ----- and P.V. Sreekumar 1992. Meliola stenospora Wint., a new record of fungus to India. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 8: 163-164. 76. ----- and R.K. Verma 1992. New species of Cercosporella and Pseudocercospora from south India. Mycol. Res. 96: 55-58. 77. ------, Udaiyan, K. and V. Narmatha 1992. Developmental morphology of Meliola chandrasekharanii Hosagoudar (Meliolaceae). J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 8: 63-67. 78. -----, Ravikumar, K. and V. Lakshmanan 1992. A new Meliola species from Madurai district of Tamil Nadu, India. Nova Hedwigia 54: 269-270. 79. -----, Vijayanthi, V., Udaiyan, K. and S. Manian 1992. Some interesting and heretofore unrecorded powdery mildews from Tamil Nadu. Indian J. Forestry 15: 156-163. 80. -----, Siddappa, Vijayanthi, V. and K. Udaiyan 1992. New or noteworthy species of powdery mildews from Tamil Nadu. Crypt. Bot. 2: 351-354. 81. Bappammal, M. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1992. A new powdery mildew fungus from Tamil Nadu, India. New Botanist 19: 161-162. 82. Hosagoudar, V.B. , Siddappa and K. Udaiyan 1993. Meliolaceae of southern India - XI. Nova Hedwigia 56: 193-202. 83. -----, Rajeshwari Dayal and R.D. Goos 1993. Meliolaceae of southern India - XII. Mycotaxon 46: 201-210. 84. ----- and K. Udaiyan 1993. Indian Meliolales. Indian Review of Life Sci. 13: 61-82. 85. ----- and A.N. Henry 1993. Plants used in birth control and reproductive ailments by Soligas of Biligiri Rangana Betta in Mysore district of Karnataka. Ehnobotany 5: 117-118. 86. -----, Manian, S. and A.G. Pandurangan 1993. New and hitherto unrecorded Phyllachora species from southern India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 17: 441-444. 87. ----- and P. Venkanna 1993. Sarcinella hughesii sp. nov. from Maharashtra, India. Ibid. 17: 457-459. 88. ----- and C. Madhusoodhanan Pillai 1993. Two interesting Cirsosia species on Calamus from India. Mycol. Res. 95: 127-128. 89. ----- and P.A. Raghu 1993. Meliolaceae of southern India - XV. New Botanist 20: 65-72. 90. -----, Raghu, P.A. and C.M. Pillai 1993. Meliolaceae of southern India - XIV. Nova Hedwigia 58: 529-543. 91. -----, Bappammal, M. and K. Udaiyan 1993. Powdery mildews on Gmelina arborea Roxb. in India. Indian J. Trop. Biod. 1: 316-319. 92. Braun, U. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1993. Endoconospora indica sp. nov. Mycotaxon 46: 259-261. 93. Udaiyan, K. and V.B. Hosagoudar 1993. A note on new and less known powdery mildews from Coimbatore, India. New Botanist 20: 115-117. 94. -----, ----- and S. Manian 1993. Some interesting fungi from the water cooling towers of Madras - II. The genus Chaetomium Kunze ex Fries. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 17: 121-137. 95. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1994. New species of Balansia and Ophiodothella from southern India. Indian Phytopathol. 47:38-40. 96. ----- 1994. Meliolales of India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 18: 253-265. 97. -----1994. Supplement to Hansford’s “The Meliolineae Monograph - II”. Ibid.18: 371-378. 98. ----- and A.G. Pandurangan 1994. A note on the new record of black mildew on the new host from India. Acta Bot. Indica 22: 132-133. 99. ----- and R.D. Goos 1994. Some Asterina, Asterostomella and Lembosia species from southern India. Mycotaxon 52: 467-473. 100. ----- and ----- 1994. Geographical distribution of the Meliolaceae with special reference to India in IMC5. 101. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1993. Miscellaneous fungi from southern India. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 35: 118-120. 102. -----, Kaveriappa, K.M., Raghu, P.A. and Goos, R.D. 1994. Meliolaceae of southern India - XVI. Mycotaxon 51: 107-118. 103. -----, Udaiyan, K. and Goos, R.D. 1994. Meliola symphorematicola sp. nov. from India. Ibid. 51: 119-121. 104 Henry, A.N., Hosagoudar ,V.B. and Ravikumar, K. 1994. Ethnobotany of the Southern Western Ghats of India. Abstracts. 4th Int. Cong. Ethnobiol. P. 24.

1995 105. Hosagoudar, V.B. 1995. Two new Phyllachora species from Tamil Nadu. Indian Phytopathol. 48: 213-214. 106. ----- 1995. Some Lembosia and Asterina species from southern India. Indian J. Forestry 18: 274-277. 107. ----- and Hanlin, R.T. 1995. New species of Asterina and Echidnodes from India. New Botanist 22: 187-192. 108. ----- and Balakrishnan, N.P. 1995. Diseases on Cinnamomum Schaeffer (Lauraceae) in India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 19: 361-370. 109. ----- and Braun, U. 1995. Two new Indian hyphomycetes. Indian Phytopathol. 48: 260-262. 110. ----- and Mohanan, M. 1995. A note on Sarcinella lagerstroemiae sp. nov. from Andhra Pradesh. New Botanist 22: 31-33. 111. -----, Sarbhoy, A.K., Agarawal, D.K. and Khan, M.K. 1995. Meliolaceae exsiccatae in Herbarium Cryptogamae Indiae Orientialis. Mycotaxon 56: 347-386. 112. Bappammal, M., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Udaiyan, K. 1995. Powdery mildews of Tamil Nadu, India. New Botanist 22: 81-175. 113. Ravisankar, T. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 1995 Indian Regional Centre of Endemism: CPD site 159. Nallamalai Hills, India. In: S.D. Davis, Heywood and A.C. Hamilton (Eds.). Centres of Plant Diversity. A guide and Strategy for their conservation Vol. 2, WWF and IUCN, pp. 120 - 122.

1996 114 Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1996. Meliola prataprajii sp. nov. from Kerala, India. Seminar on Rec. Adv. Bot., Satara, pp.14-15. 115. ----- and ----- , 1996. Two new Meliolaceae members from Kerala, India. Kavaka 24: 15-17. 116. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Biju, C.K. 1996. Some interesting hyphomycetes from southern India. New Botanist 23:211-218 117. -----, Balakrishnan, N.P. and Goos, R.D. 1996. Some Asterinella, Asterostomella and Echidnodella species from southern India. Mycotaxon 58: 489-498. 118. -----, ----- and Goos, R.D. 1996. Some Asterina species from southern India. Ibid. 59: 167-187. 119. ----- and Goos, R.D. 1996. Some foliicolous fungi from southern India. Mycotaxon 59: 149-166. 120. ----- and ----- 1996. Ethnobotany of Soligas in Biligiri Rangana Betta, Karnataka, southern India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Add. Ser. 12: 228-243. 121. ----- and ----- 1996. Ethnobotany of Kadars, Malasars and Muthuvans of the Anamalais in Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu, India. Ibid. 12: 260-267. 122. ----- and Henry, A.N. 1996. Ethnobotany of tribes Irular, Kurumban and Paniyan of Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu, southern India. Ibid. 12: 272-283. 123. ----- and Mohanan, M. 1996. Asterostomella alangii - A new species from Andhra Pradesh, India. Indian J. Forestry 19: 371-372. 124. Biju, C.K., Vijayakumar, K., Abraham, T.K. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 1996. Fungi associated with the seeds and seedlings of Cassia fistula L. Seminar on Rec. Adv. Bot. Satara p. 16. 125 Henry, A.N., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Ravikumar, K. 1996. Ethno-medico-botany of the southern Western Ghats of India. pp. 173-180. In: S.K. Jain (ed). Ethnobiology in Human Welfare. Deep Publications, New Delhi. 126. Lalkumar, K., Abraham, T.K. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 1996. Bacteria in the soils of Peppara and Neyyar wildlife sanctuaries, Thiruvananthapuram., Kerala. Seminar on Rec. Adv. Bot., Satara. p. 28.

1997 127. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1997. Diversity and distribution of meliolaceous fungi in Kerala. Proc. Ninth Kerala Sci. Congr., Thiruvananthapuram. pp. 469-472. 128. ----- and ----- 1997. Black Mildews and Forest Plants. 23rd Ann. Meet. Mycol. Soc. India, Peechi, Kerala pp. 9-10. 129. ----- and ----- 1997. Phyllachora thiruvananthapurica sp. nov. from Kerala. Indian Phytopathol. 50: 97-98. 130. ----- and ----- 1997. Three new foliicolous Ascomycetes from Kerala. Ibid. 50: 216-221. 131. ----- and ----- 1997. A new species of Asterolibertia from Kerala, India.J. Mycopathol. Res. 35: 55-56. 132 ----- and ----- 1997. Some interesting foliicolous fungi from Kerala, India. New Botanist 24: 109-119. 133. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Biju, C.K. 1997 A new species of Asterostomella from southern India. New Botanist 24: 19-22. 134. -----, Abraham, T.K., Biju, C.K. and Shiburaj, S. 1997. Asterina theacearum sp. nov. from Kerala, India. New Botanist 24: 23-25. 135. -----, Bappammal, M. and Udaiyan, K. 1997. Indian Powdery Mildews. J. Swamy Bot.Club 14: 1-14. 136. -----, ----- and ----- 1997. A powdery mildew disease on Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) in Tamil Nadu, India. Ibid. 14: 140-141. 137. -----, Krishnan, P.N. and Abraham, T.K. 1997. Biochemical changes in the Sandal tree infected with Asterina congesta Cooke. New Botanist 24: 27-32. 138. -----, Abraham, T.K., Krishnan, P. N. and Vijayakumar, K. 1997. Biochemical changes in the leaves of Ebony tree affected with black mildew. Indian Phytopathol. 50: 439-440. 139. Biju, C.K. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 1997. Mycoflora associated with Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb. in Neyyar and Peppara wildlife sanctuaries. Proc. Ninth Kerala Science Congr., Thiruvananthapuram, p. 403. 140. -----, -----, Abraham, T.K. and Jain, V.P. 1997. Litter and rhizosphere fungi of Baccaurea courtalensis Muel.-Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 23rd Ann. Meet. Mycol. Soc. India. p. 10. 141. Littleflower, SR., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1997. Xanthagaricus, a new generic name in the family Agaricaceae. New Botanist 24: 93 – 100.

1998 142. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1998. Four new foliicolous Ascomycetes from Kerala, India. Mycol. Res. 102: 184-86. 143. ----- and -----1998 Some interesting meliolaceous fungi from Kerala, India. J. Mycopathol. Res. 36: 95-103. 144. ------ and ------1998. New and interesting Meliolaceae members from Kerala. Indian Phytopathol. 51: 301-303. 145. ----- and ----- 1998. Some interesting foliicolous thyriotheceous Ascomycetes from Kerala. Ibid. 51: 389-392. 146. ----- and ----- 1998. Biogeographical distribution of Meliolaceae in India. Int. Symp. Ecol. Fungi, Goa, Abstr. p. 85. 147. ----- and ----- 1998. Some Meliolaceae from Kerala, India. Sydowia 50: 14-20. 148. ----- and ----- 1999. Some interesting members of the Meliolaceae from Kerala, India. Nova Hedwigia 68: 477-487. 149. -----, ----- and Crane, J.L. 1998. The identity and nomenclature of Meliola atalantiae. Mycotaxon 66: 419-420. 150. -----, ----- and ----- 1998. Two new asterinaceous fungi from Kerala, India. Ibid. 68: 19-22. 151. -----, ----- and Goos, R.D. 1998. Three new species of the Meliolaceae from Kerala, India. Ibid. 63: 493-496. 152. -----, ----- and ----- 1998. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-II. Ibid. 66: 103-107. 153. -----, ----- and ----- 1998. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-III. Ibid. 66: 109-113. 154. -----, ------ and ----- 1998. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-IV. Ibid. 66:115-119. 155. -----, ----- and Crane, J.L. 1998. Meliolaceae of Kerala – V. Ibid. 59: 391-397. 156. -----, ----- and Nayar, T.S. 1998. Asterina knemae-attenuatae sp. nov. from India. Ibid. 67: 487-488. 157. ----, -----, Nasim Ahmad and Sarbhoy, A.K.. 1998. Tretospora thetei sp. nov. from Maharashtra. Indian phytopathol. 51: 387-388. 158. Biju, C.K., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1998. Preliminary studies on litter fungi of Cullenia exarillata Robyns (Bombacaceae). Int. Symp. Ecol. Fungi, Goa, Abstr. p.19. 159. Goos, R.D. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 1998. Meliola chennaiana sp. nov. and some additional records of fungi from India. Mycotaxon.68: 41-46. 160. Nayar, T.S., Hosagoudar,V.B., Prakashkumar, R., Jothish, S. and Thripthy, K.M. 1998. The occurrence of Meliolaceae ascospores in the air of Kerala, India. Grana 37: 253-254.

1999 161. Hosagoudar,V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1999. Status of foliicolous fungi in Peppara and Neyyar wildlife sanctuaries, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. IMACA Abstr., Chennai, pp. 21-22. 162. -----, -----, and Crane, J.L. 1999. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – VI. Mycotaxon 71: 149-153. 163. -----, ----- and Biju, C.K. 1999. Notes on some foliicolous fungi from Kerala, India. J. Mycopathol. Res. 37: 25-28. 164. -----, ----- and Biju, C.K. 1999. Two new Meliola species from Kerala, India. J. Mycopathol. Res. 37: 93-94. 165. Biju, C.K., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 1999. Studies on the litter fungi of Elaeocarpus munroni (Wight) Mast. in Neyyar wildlife sanctuary, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. IMACA Chennai, Abstr. Pp. 9-10. 166. Jain, V.P., Abraham, T.K. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 1999. Soil fungi in different ecosystems of Peppara and Neyyar wildlife sanctuaries, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Symp. on Ecol. Fungi. Abstr., Madras, pp. 26-27.

2000 167. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 2000. A list of Asterina Lev. species based on the literature. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 24: 557-587. 168. ----- and Abraham, T.K. 2000. Black mildews (Meliolaceae) on Plantation crops. J. Mycopathol. Res. 38: 1- 6. 169. -----, Biju, C.K., Abraham, T.K. and Crane, J.L. 2000. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India - VII. Mycotaxon 76: 299 – 304. 170. -----, Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2000. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-VIII. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 24: 474 – 480. 171. ----- and Mathew, S.P. 2000. A preliminary report on the Mycoflora of the Andaman Islands, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 24: 631-640. 2001 172. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 2001. A literature survey of the genus Armatella (P. Henn.) Theiss. & Sydow (Meliolaceae). J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25: 560-568. 173. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Biju, C.K. 2001. Beeli formula modified for Asterinaceae. 27th Ann. Meet. Mycol. Soc. India and Int. Symp. Frontiers of Fung. Diversity in South East Asia Abstr. Gorakhpur P. 7.
174. -----, ----- and C.K. Biju 2001. Endemic meliolas and meliolas on endemic plants in the Western Ghats of peninsular India. Ibid. P. 23 - 24.
175. -----, Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2001. Some interesting Asterina species from Kerala. Indian Phytopathol. 54: 137-139. 176. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Biju, C.K.2001. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – IX. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25:553-559. 177. ----- Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2001. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-X. J. Econ.Taxon. Bot. 25: 68-74. 178. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Biju, C.K. 2001. Re-evaluation of the family Asterinaceae. J. Mycopathol. Res. 39: 61-63. 179 ----- Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2001. Sarcinella vernoniae (Dearn. & Barth.) Hughes and its hyperparasites from Kerala. J. Econ.Taxon. Bot. 25: 281-283. 180. -----, ----- and Abraham, T.K. 2001. Diversity in the foliicolous micromycobionts in Peppara and Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuaries, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25: 297-307. 181. ----, ---- and Rajkumar, G. 2001. A new species of Meliola (Ascomycetes: Meliolales) from Kerala, India. Zoos’ Print Journal 16: 595-596. 182. ----- Biju, C.K., Abraham, T.K. and Pradeep, C.K. 2001. Asterina diospyri sp. nov. from Kerala, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25: 279-280. 183. -----, Rajkumar, G., Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2001. Amazonia goniothalami sp. nov. and some additional records of fungi on Goniothalamus wightii from India. Mycotaxon 77: 431–434. 184. -----, Biju, C.K., Abraham, T.K. and Agarwal, D.K. 2001. An interesting hyphomycete from the montane forests of Kerala. Indian Phytopathol. 54: 497. 185. -----, Biju, C.K and Hyde, K.D. 2001. Fungi from Palms-XLVII. A new species of Asterina on Palms from India. J. Biodiversity 6: 69-73. 186. -----, Ganesan, R., Devi, D. and Ganesan, T. 2001. An observation on the sooty mould covered Loquat tree. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25: 13-14. 187 Braun,U., Hosagoudar,V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 2001. Diplococcium atrovelutinum sp.nov. from India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25: 284-285.

2002 188. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2002. Meliolaceae of Kerala – XIV. Zoos´ Print J. 17: 747-751. 189. -----. 2002. Key to species of the genus Meliolina. Zoos´ Print J. 17: 786-787. 190. -----. 2002. Studies on foliicolous fungi – IV. A new species of Asterina and key to other species on Dipterocarpaceae. Zoos´ Print J.17: 815-816. 191. -----. 2002. Studies on foliicolous fungi –V. Two new species and validation of Sarcinella species. Zoos’ Print J. 17: 835-838. 192. -----. 2002. Studies on foliicolous fungi –VI. Two new species from Kerala and a new record from India. Zoos´ Print J. 17: 863-866. 193. -----. 2002. Studies on foliicolous fungi – X. Five new species and a new record. Zoos´ Print J.17: 943-948. 194 -----. 2002. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XIII. Sydowia 54: 53-58. 195. -----. 2002. Studies on foliicolous fungi – VI. Persoonia 18: 123-127. 196. -----. and Shiburaj, S. 2002. Meliola gamsii sp. nov. from Kerala, India. Nova Hedwigia 74: 411-413. 197. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Biju, C.K. 2002. Beeli formula modified for Asterinaceae. J. Basic & Appl. Mycol. 1: 102-103. 198. -----, Biju, H., Abraham, T.K. and Bagool, R.G. 2002. Diversity and Distribution of the genus Meliolina in India. Nat. Conf. on Fungal Diversity and Biotechn., Dombivli, Mumbai, p. 39. 199. -----, Biju, C.K., Abraham, T.K. and Agarwal, D.K. 2002. Spiropes armatellicola sp. nov. from India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 26: 603-604. 200. -----, Biju, C.K., Abraham, T.K. and Agarwal, D.K. 2002. Studies on foliicolous fungi III. Indian Phytopathol. 55: 497-502. 201. -----, Abraham, T.K. and Shiburaj, S. 2002. Black mildew disease on Acacia species in India. J. Mycopathol. Res. 40: 45-47. 202. -----, Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2002. Diversity of foliicolous micromycobionts in Munnar and Wyanad forest regions of Kerala. J. Mycopathol. Res. 40: 191-196. 203. -----, Jose, P.A. and Pandurangan, A.G. 2002. New Species of Tretospora (Fungi Imperfecti : Hyphomycetes) from Kerala, India. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 967-968. 204. Song, B., Li, T.H. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2002. A new species of the genus Amazonia from China. Mycotaxon 84: 121-123.

2003 205. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2003. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XVII. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1061-1064. 206. -----. 2003. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XII. The genus Meliola on Lecythidaceae members in India. Persoonia 18: 275-279. 207. -----. 2003. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XVIII. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 999-1002. 208. -----. 2003. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XII. New species, new records and hyperparasites. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1037-1040.
209. ----- 2003. The genus Schiffnerula and its synanamorphs. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1071-1078. 210. -----. 2003. Meliolaceous fungi on rare medicinal plants in southern India. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 147-1154. 211. -----. 2003. Studies on foliicolous fungi –XIII. A new genus and a new species. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1159-1162. 212. ----- 2003. Endemic Meliolas and Meliolas on Endemic plants in Western Ghats, India. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1243-1252. 213. ----- 2003. Second Supplement to the Meliolineae. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1253-1258. 214. ----- 2003. Asterinaceae of India. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1280-1285. 215. ----- 2003. Armatellaceae, a new family segregated from the Meliolaceae. Sydowia 55: 162-167. 216. ----- 2003. Digital formula for the identification of Meliolaceae. Sydowia 55:168-171. 217. ----- 2003. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XV. New species, New records and rare fungus. Zoos´ Print J. 19: 1386-1389. 218. ----- 2003. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XIX. Two new species and two new records. Zoos´ Print J. 19: 1390-1393. 219. ----- and Agarwal, D.K. 2003. Studies on foliicolous fungi – IX. Indian Phytopathol. 58: 98-101. 220. ----- and Biju, H. 2003. Host range of Meliola jasmini Hansf. & Stev. New Botanist 30: 153-162. 221. ----- and Shiburaj, S. 2003. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XIV. Two new records to India. Zoos´ Print J. 18: 1193-1194. 222. ----- Biju, C.K., Abraham, T.K. and Agarwal, D.K. 2003. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India -XI. Indian Phytopathol. 58: 102-104. 223 ----- Abraham, T.K., Biju, C.K. and Ponnuswamy, P. 2003. Meliola samaderae sp. nov. from Kerala. Indian Phytopathol. 56: 295-296. 224. Song, B. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2003. A list of Lembosia species based on the literature. Guizhou Science 21: 93-101. 225. Song, B., Li, T.H. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2003. Four new Asterina species from Yunnan, China. Fungal Diversity 14: 157-164

2004 226. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2004. Studies on foliicolous fungi- VII. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.28: 187-195. 227. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2004. Studies on foliicolous fungi- VIII. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28: 196-201. 228. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2004. Studies on foliicolous fungi- XI. The genus Balladyna Racib., based on literature. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28: 202-208. 229. ----- 2004. Studies on foliicolous fungi –XVI: Clasterosporium flagellatum and its teleomorph. Zoos´ Print J. 19: 1437-1438. 230. ----- 2004. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XX. Three new species and one variety of the genus Meliola. Zoos´ Print J. 19: 1462-1465. 231. ----- 2004. A new Asterina species from Kerala, India. Zoos´ Print J. 19: 1522. 232. ----- 2004. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XXII. Indian Phytopathol. 57: 454-468. 233. -----, Biju, C.K. and Abraham, T.K. 2004. Studies on foliicolous fungi. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28: 175-182. 234. -----, ----- and -----. 2004. Studies on foliicolous fungi- II. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28: 183-186. 235. -----, ----- and -----. 2004. Additions to Asterinaceae. Indian Phytopathol. 57: 114-116. 236. Gawande, S.J., Agarwal, D.K. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2004. Some new foliicolous ascomycetes from northern India. Indian Phytopathol. 57: 287-295.

2005 237. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2005. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XIX. Indian Phytopathol. 58: 94-204. 238. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2005. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XXI. New Species and New Records. J. Mycopathol. Res. 43: 17-32. 239. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Agarwal, D.K. 2005. Setae of Meliolaceae are Phialophores. Indian Phytopathol. 58: 495-496. 240. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Biju, H. 2005. Asteridiella pygei Hansf. var. microspora Hosag., a new record to Southern India. Zoos´ Print J. 20: 1898-1899. 241. Biju, C.K., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Abraham, T.K. 2005. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XV. Nova Hedwigia 80: 465-502. 242. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2005. Foliicolous fungal flora of Idukki hydroelectric project area, Kerala, India. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29: 434-460. 243. Biju, H., Bagool, R.G. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2005. Meliolaceous fungi in the campus of Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29: 338-345. 244. Hosagoudar, V.B., Biju, H. and Anu Appaiah, K.A. 2005. Foliar fungal parasites of Western Ghats found on the plants of sacred groves in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts of Karnataka State. J. Mycopathol Res. 43: 203-209. 245. Hosagoudar, V.B., Biju, H. and Anu Appaiah, K.A. 2005. Studies on Foliicolous Fungi – XXI. Parasitic Microfungi of Subramanya, Karnataka. J. Mycopathol Res. 43: 167-174.

2006 246. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2006. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXIV; new species and new records. Zoos´ Print J. 21: 2303-2307. 247. -----. 2006. Additions to the fungi of Kerala. Zoos´ Print J. 21: 2322-2330. 248. -----. 2006. Studies on foliicolous fungi-XXV. New species and new records. Zoos´ Print J. 21: 2335-2338. 249. -----. 2006. Meliolaceous fungi on economically important plants in India-II: on plants of non-wood forest produce. Zoos´ Print J. 21: 2356-2371. 250. -----. 2006. Additions to the fungi of Kerala—II. Zoos´ Print J. 21:2412-2416. 251. -----. 2006. Additions to the fungi of Kerala—III. Zoos´ Print J. 21:2421-2424. 252. -----. 2006. Meliolaceous fungi on economically important plants in India-III: on wild edible plants. Zoos´ Print J. 21:2425-2438. 253. -----. 2006. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India – XXIV. Six new species and one new record for India. Zoos´ Print J. 21:2462-2466. 254. -----. 2006. Additions to the fungi of Kerala—IV. Zoos´ Print J. 21:2475-2478. 255. -----. 2006. Biogeographical distribution of Meliolaceae members in India. Zoos´ Print J. 21:2495-2505. 256. -----. 2006. Meliolaceous fungi on an economically important plants in India-I. on commercially timber yielding plants. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 30: 818-850. 257. -----. 2006. Taxonomy of Meliola species on Citrus plants. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 30: 947-950. 258. ----- and Agarwal, D.K. 2006. Ectendomeliola, a new genus of the family Meliolaceae. Indian Phytopathol. 59: 98-100. 259. -----, Agarwal, D.K. and Archana, G.R. 2006. A new species of the genus Meliola from Tamil Nadu. Indian Phytopathol. 59: 261-262. 260. -----, Biju, H. and Anu Appaiah, K.A. 2006. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XX. Microfungi of Coorg, Karnataka. J. Mycopathol. Res. 44: 1-25. 261. ----- and Biju, H. 2006. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXII. Microfungi of Silent Valley National Park, Palghat district in Kerala State. J. Mycopathol. Res. 44: 39-48 262. Hosagoudar, V.B., Agarwal, D.K., Biju, H. and Archana, G.R. 2006. Additions to Meliolaceae from India. Indian Phytopathol. 59: 345-350. 263. Archana, G.R. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2006. Black mildew disease on wattles (Acacia spp.) in Kerala state. National Conference on Recent Trends in Mycological Research, Dec. 28th & 29, J.J College of Arts and Sci. Pudukottai, TN, p. 85. 264. Braun, U., Delhey, R., Dianese, J.C. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2006. Miscellaneous notes on biotrophic micromycetes. Schlechtendalia 14: 85-97. 265. Riju, M.C., Vijayakumar, K. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2006. Mycorrhizal association of some medicinal plants of Western Ghats. National Conference on Recent Trends in Mycological Research, Dec. 28th & 29, J.J College of Arts and Sci. Pudukottai, TN, p. 49. 266. Hosagoudar, V.B., Agarwal, D.K., Biju, H. and Archana, G.R. 2006. Studies on Foliicolous Fungi XXIII. Indian Phytopathol. 59: 525-528. 267. Sabulal, B., Hosagoudar, V.B., Pradeep, N.S., Mathew Dan and George, V. 2006. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Meliola toddaliae infected leaf oil of Pamburus missionis. J. Mycopathol. Res. 44: 237-242.

2007 268. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2007. Additions to the fungi of Kerala-V. Zoos´ Print J. 22: 2834-2836. 269. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2007. Fungi and Forests. National Seminar on Forests and Microbial Diversity and its relevance at P.G. Dept. of Microbiology, Field Marshal K.M. Kariappa College, Madikeri, on 29-30, Dec. 2007, pp. 1-15. 270. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Identification Manual of Meliolales. Second Asian Congress of Mycology and plant pathology, organized by Indian Society of Mycology and plant pathology, held at Osmania University, Hyderabad, Dec.19-22, p.54. 271. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Studies on foliicolous fungi-XXIX. Zoos´ Print J. 22: 2870-2871. 272. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Collection, Identification and Documentation of Meliolaceous fungi. Second Asian Congress of Mycology and plant pathology, organized by Indian Society of Mycology and plant pathology, held at Osmania University, Hyderabad, Dec.19-22, p.13. 273. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Sabeena, A. 2007. Two interesting fungi from Malabar Botanic Garden, Kozhikode, Kerala. Zoos´ Print J. 22: 2786-2787. 274. Hosagoudar, V.B., Agarwal, D.K., Biju, H. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Meliolaceae of Kerala-XXIV. Indian Phytopath. 60: 82-87. 275. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Agarwal, D.K. 2007. Studies on foliicolous fungi-XXVIII. Indian Phytopath. 60: 345-349. 276. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Agarwal, D.K. 2007. Meliolaceae of Kerala-XXV. Indian Phytopath. 60: 237-243. 277. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Kandavel, K. 2007. Meliola exacigena sp. nov. from Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu. J. Scient. Trans. Environ. Techn. 1: 53. 278. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Manojkumar, A. 2007. Diseases of Wattles (Acacia spp.)- A Review. J. Mycopathol. Res.45: 219-222. 279. Hosagoudar, V.B., Dhivaharan, V. ,Kandavel, K. 2007.Status and scope of leaf infecting microfungi in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu. J. Mycopathol. Res.45: 273-275. 280. Hosagoudar, V.B., Jacob Thomas and Robin, P.J. 2007.Additions to foliicolous fungi of Shillong, Meghalaya. Second Asian Congress of Mycology and plant pathology, organized by Indian Society of Mycology and plant pathology, held at Osmania University, Hyderabad, Dec.19-22, p.19. 281. Hosagoudar, V.B., Madhavan, S., Dhivaharan, V. and Sangeetha, G. 2007. A new species of Questieriella from Tamil Nadu. Zoos´ Print J. 22: 2861 (plus web supplement of 1 page). 282. Hosagoudar, V.B., Manojkumar, A. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Geographical Distribution of Meliola melanoxylonis Hosag. & Pillai in Kerala State J. Mycopathol. Res. 45: 109-112. 283. Hosagoudar, V.B., Ravikumar, K. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Two new fungi from Mukurthi National Park, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu. Zoos´ Print J. 22: 2832-2833. 284. Hosagoudar, V.B., Riju, M.C. and Sabeena, A. 2007. Schiffnerula celastri sp. nov. from Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. & Techn. 1: 1-2. 285. Hosagoudar, V.B., Sabeena, A., Archana, G.R. and Jacob Thomas 2007. Meliola vallaridis sp. nov. from Kerala, India. J. Scient. Trans. Environ. Techn. 1: 69-70. 286. Manojkumar, A., Hosagoudar, V.B., Sabulal, B. and Archana, G.R. 2007. Biochemical studies on Acacia melanoxylon infected with Meliola melanoxylonis. J. Mycopathol. Res. 45: 207-211.

2008 287. Hosagoudar, V.B., Bappammal, M., Udaiyan, K. and Dhivaharan, V. 2008. Host range and seasonal distribution of Powdery Mildews in Tamil Nadu. J. Scient. Trans. Environ. Technov. 1: 121-130. 288. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R., Harish, M., Riju, M.C. and Agarwal, D.K. 2008. Some novel additions to Schiffnerulaceous fungi from Kerala, India. Indian Phytopath. 61: 247-251. 289. Hosagoudar, V.B., Riju, M.C. and Uma Maheshwari, C. 2008. Asterina dallasica Petrak – a new record to India. Indian J. Sci. & Techn. 1: 1-2.

2009 290. Chandra Prabha, A. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2009. Asterinaceous fungi on rare and endemic plants of Western Ghats in Kerala State. Proc. 21st Kerala Science Congress 28-31 January 2009, Kollam 466-469. 291. Durgadevi, A., Dhivaharan, V., Hosagoudar, V.B. and Madhavan, S. 2009. Studies on foliicolous fungi in subcoastal area in Thiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu. Sci. Trans. Envi. Techn. 2: 215-217. 292. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R.2009.Additions to Fungi of India. J. Threatened Taxa 1 (8): 437-378. 293. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2009. Black mildews on Goniothalamus species in Agasthyavanam National Park, Kerala, India. J. Appl. Nat. Sci. 1: 76-78. 294. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2009. Studies on Foliicolous Fungi XXVI A new species and new records. J. Threatened Taxa 1 (7): 377-377. 295. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2009. The genus Asterina and its anamorph on Elaeocarpus species in southern Western Ghats in peninsular India. J. Appl. Nat. Sci. 1: 27-30. 296. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2009. Host range of meliolaceous fungi in India. J. Threatened Taxa 1: 269-282. 297. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2009. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-XXVIII. J. Threatened Taxa 1: 348-350. 298. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2009. Studies on foliicolous fungi – XXVII. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 1. 299. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R.2009. A new species of the genus Schiffnerula from Kerala, India. J. Threatened Taxa 1 (7): 378. 300. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Chandra Prabha, A. 2009. Brahmamyces, a new anomorphic genus from India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 17. 301. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Chandra Prabha, A. 2009. New Asterinaceae members from Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 15-16. 302. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Chandra Prabha, A. 2009. Two new Prillieuxina species from Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 18. 303. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Chandraprabha, A. 2009. Two new Asterina species from Kerala, India. Pollen spore and Aerobiology 27: 155-158. 304. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Jacob Thomas 2009. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-XXXII. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 22-24. 305. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Jacob Thomas 2009. Two new Sarcinella species from Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 26-27. 306. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Jacob Thomas, 2009.The genus Dysrhynchis in India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 10-11. 307. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Riju, M.C. 2009. Meliola vatsavayai, a new species from Wayanad, Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 25. 308. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Riju, M.C. 2009.Studies on foliicolous fungi-XXXI. The Genus Schiffnerula and Sarcinella. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 7-8 309. Hosagoudar, V.B., Jacob Thomas, Shaji, S.S. and Rajesh Kumar, P.P. 2009. A new Balladyna species from Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 9. 310. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G. R. and Sabu, T. 2009. Asteridiella ficicola sp.nov. from Kerala, India. J. Threatened Taxa 1 (9): 474. 311. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Mathew Dan 2009. Maheshwaramyces, a new genus of the family Lembosiaceae. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 12-13. 312. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Sabeena, A. 2009. Two Rare Foliicolous Fungi from the Western Ghats Region of Kerala State. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 28. 313. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R., Rajendraprasad, M. and Nazarudeen, A. 2009. A new black mildew fungus Meliola erumeliensis from Idukki, Kerala, India. J. Threatened Taxa 1: 347. 314. Hosagoudar, V.B., Harish, M. and Archana, G.R. 2009.Meliolaster aporusae, a new species and a new generic record from Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 14. 315. Hosagoudar, V.B., Jacob Thomas and Robin, P.J. 2009. Studies on Foliicolous Fungi-XXX. Fungi of Shillong, Meghalaya. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 2-6 316. Hosagoudar, V.B., Jacob Thomas and Sabeena, A. 2009. The Genus Lembosia on Humboldtia species in Kerala, India. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 2 (6): 19-21. 317. Hosagoudar, V.B., Ravikumar, K. and Archana, G.R.2009. Two new Asteridiella species from Tamil Nadu, India. J. Threatened Taxa 1 (8): 434-338. 318. Hosagoudar,V.B., Sabeena, A. and Agarwal, D.K. 2009. Two new species and a new generic record of Asterinaceae on Mimusops elengi from Kerala. Indian Phytopath. 62: 229-232. 319. Hosagoudar, V.B., Archana, G.R. and Agarwal, D.K. 2009. Foliicolous fungal flora of Palode forest range, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 5th International Conference on Plant Pathology in the Globalized Era, held on Nov. 10-13 at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, p. 115. 320. Hosagoudar, V. B., Robin, P. J. & Archana, G. R.2009. New foliicolous fungi from the campus flora of Madras Christian College, India. Sydowia 61 (2): 243–248. 321. Sabeena, A. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2009. Fungal diseases on some ornamental plants in Botanic Gardens of Kerala State. Proc. 21st Kerala Science Congress 28-31 January 2009, Kollam 674-675. 322. Shaji, S.S., Rajesh Kumar, P.P. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2009. Glomus taiwanensis, a new record to Kerala State. Ind. J. Bot. Res. Vol.5 (1&2): 125-126. 2010 323. Hosagoudar, V.B., Dhivaharan, V., Thiyagesan, K. and Kandavel, K. 2010. Foliicolous Fungi of Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India. J. Threatened Taxa 2 (2): 705-708. 324. Hosagoudar, V.B., Robin, P. J. and Shivaraju, B. 2010. Foliicolous fungi from the Achan Kovil forest in Kollam district of Kerala State. J. Threatened Taxa 2 (3): 760-761. 325. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Fungal Systematics. National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, pp.18-30. 326. Nithyatharani, R., Dhivaharan, V. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Foliicolous micromycetes in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu.National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, p. 82. 327. Jacob Thomas and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Additions to Meliolaceae of Neyyar and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuaries, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, p. 83. 328. Rajeshkumar, P.P. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Occurrence of Endomycorrhizal fungi in Poochipara forests in Silent valley national park in Kerala state. National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, p. 87. 329. Riju, M.C. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. A comparative account of infection and production of infective propagules of selected species of AM fungi on Sorghum and Maize. National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, p. 98. 330. Harish, M. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Challenges of Vanilla cultivation in Kerala state. National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, p. 100. 331. Archana, G.R. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Endemic micro mycobionts of Palode forests in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala state. National Seminar on Biodiversity: for Human Welfare, held in the Department of Studies and Research in Microbiology, Cauvery Campus, Madikeri, Kodagu, on 7th-8th April, 2010, p. 100.109. 332. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Riju, M.C. 2010. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-XXX, new species and new records. J. Threatened Taxa 2(4): 824-826. 333. Nithytharani, R., Dhivaharan, V. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Meliola thiyagesanii sp. nov. from Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu. J. Sci. Trans. Environ. Technov. 3(4): 169-170. 334. Hosagoudar, V.B., Robin, P.J. and Archana, G.R. 2010. Two new black mildews from Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India. J. Appl. Nat. Sci. 2: 93-95. 335. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Jacob Thomas 2010. Interesting foliicolous fungi from the southern Western Ghats of Kerala, India. J. Appl. Nat. Sci. 2: 102-105. 336. Hosagoudar, V.B. and Archana, G.R. 2010. Meliolaceae of Kerala, India-XXXI. J. Threatened Taxa 2(5): 889-891. 337. Robin, P.J. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Foliar fungal parasites of Ponthanpuzha reserve forests of Kottayam district in Kerala state. National Conference on Plant Biodiversity on 23rd and 24th April. Dept. of Botany, Yashvantarao Chavan Institute of Science, Satata, Maharashtra, p. 37. 338. Shaji, S.S. and Hosagoudar, V.B. 2010. Endomycorrhizal fungi in Sairandri and Neelikkallu sections of Silent valley national park, Kerala. National Conference on Plant Biodiversity on 23rd and 24th April. Dept. of Botany, Yashvantarao Chavan Institute of Science, Satata, Maharashtra, p. 39. 339. Hosagoudar, V. B. 2010. The Meliolineae. Second supplement. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 34: 127-181.

Project Reports submitted

  1. Hosagoudar, V.B.  1981. The study of the pathogenic microfungi with special reference to the vegetation of Idukki, pp. 203-252. In: Long term Environmental and Ecological Impacts of multi purpose river valley projects with special reference to Idukki, Kerala. Sub project – IV. Ecological Impact studies with particular reference to change in the forestland use vis-à-vis its impact on Timber, fuel-wood supply and on the flora and fauna of Idukki region.  Submitted from the Botanical Survey of India to the Department of Environment, New Delhi. 
    1. Hosagoudar, V.B.  1986-88. All India co-ordinated research project on Ethnobotany (Phase-I-the Ethnobotany of Andhra Pradesh), pp. 264. Submitted from the Botanical Survey of India, to the Department of Environment, New Delhi. 
      1. Hosagoudar, V.B.  1988-1992. Ethnobotany of southern Western Ghats with reference to Anamalais, Nilgiris and B.R. hills in Southern India. Submitted from the Botanical Survey of India, to the Department of Environment, New Delhi, pp. 180.
        1. Hosagoudar, V.B.  1992-1995. Meliolales in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Submitted to CSIR, New Delhi, under the Scientist Pool Scheme, pp.58.
          1. Hosagoudar, V.B.  1996-2000. Survey and evaluation of microflora of Peppara and Neyyar wildlife sanctuaries, pp.1-59. Submitted to the Department of Forests, Govt. of Kerala.
            1. Hosagoudar, V.B. 2002-2005. Black mildew disease on Wattles (Acacia spp.) in Kerala state. Submitted to the Department of Forests, Govt. of Kerala.