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William Gershom Fulcher


Birth Date Jun 16th 1867

Death Date Dec 1963

Personal Name William Gershom Fulcher

William Gershom Fulcher born June 16, 1867 In St. Louis, Monroe County, Michigan. He was the son of Harry Howard Fulcher and Alta Nancy Palmer Fucher. He attended Elementary and High School from 1904 to 1915 in St. Louis, Michigan. In 1915, he started attending Alma College in Alma Michigan. Graduating from there in 1925. He then attended Columbia University starting in 1925 and continued full time until his graduation in 1927. He graduated with an MA in History, Philosophy, and Psychology. He started teaching full time in the Jr.-Sr. High school in Mamaroneck. New York . At some point he married Nancy Jones. They had no children. William continued to attend Columbia University from 1927 until 1951 for continuing education credits. William became a prominent member of the Mamaroneck area. Besides teaching, he was active in the town's historical society, the Chamber of Commerce, and was in 1948 the Director of the New York State Society for Colonial History. He wrote 3 books on the Mamaroneck area all relating to historical aspects. He became quite fanatical about his lineage. He even had some engraved on his tombstone. And in every article I have read about him I have found stated that he was a descendant of John and Elizabeth Tilley Howland of the Mayflower. He travel to Europe and all over the states tracing this lineage. However, after his death his wife, Nancy, threw out all of his information. I find it hard to believe that he didn't publish it or at least leave a copy with family or a library somewhere. In his obit dated December 1963, are listed four siblings. Ray of St. Louis, Michigan; Max of Southfield, Michigan; Mrs. James Newbold of Bozman, Md and Mrs. Kenneth Swanson of Des Moines, IA.