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Henry David Thoreau said, "Eastward I go only by force, but westward I go free." Lots of Americans agreed. The 19th century was an exuberant time in the United States and many were on the move. Liberty For All tells of mountain men, railroad builders, whalers, gold rush hopefuls, and farmers, as well as of poets and painters. Read of westward migration, the California Gold Rush, war with Mexico, the Oregon boundary conflict, and Texas and the Alamo. Meet two black women who when thrown off a streetcar, go to court, win their case, and integrate street cars --all this BEFORE the Civil War and 100 years before Rosa Parks.
Full Series: 1.The First Americans (Prehistory-1600) 2.Making Thirteen Colonies (1600-1740) 3.From Colonies to Country (1735-1791) 4.The New Nation (1789-1850) 5.Liberty for All? (1820-1860) 6.War, Terrible War (1855-1865) 7.Reconstructing America (1865-1890) 8.An Age of Extremes (1880-1917) 9.War, Peace, and All That Jazz (1918-1945) 10.All the People: (Since 1945) NOTE: Years may differ Depending on Edition