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Native Americans Indians Of North America Juvenile Literature

The First Americans tells the story of the very beginnings of the United States, from the development of hundreds of Indian societies to the formation of the first permanent settlements by Europeans. The Native Americans and the African and European explorers faced many conflicts but also enjoyed the exchange of ideas and cultures that helped to create a New World in A History of US.

Full Series: 1.The First Americans (Prehistory-1600) 2.Making Thirteen Colonies (1600-1740) 3.From Colonies to Country (1735-1791) 4.The New Nation (1789-1850) 5.Liberty for All? (1820-1860) 6.War, Terrible War (1855-1865) 7.Reconstructing America (1865-1890) 8.An Age of Extremes (1880-1917) 9.War, Peace, and All That Jazz (1918-1945) 10.All the People: (Since 1945) NOTE: Years may differ Depending on Edition