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A Spiritual Aeneid

Ronald Arbuthnott Knox

Personal Narratives Conversion Biography

A SPIRITUAL AENEID (1918) is Knox's only autobiography. It was written immediately upon Knox's reception into the Catholic Church. It chronicles the intellectual developments which let to his conversion. Knox himself revised it in 1950 but was mostly content to let it stand as an historical document, only adding a foreward entitled 'After 33 Years'.

"In an Aeneid, as in an Odyssey, you may be driven from your course; but, to crown the sense of adventure, in an Aeneid you do not even know where your port lies; you must make experiments, hark back to beginnings, throw yourself upon celestial guidance. Nor is it, as in an Odyssey, the thought of familiar scenes and remembered faces that hurries you on when you are tempted to linger; it is a mere sense of mission, imperiously insistent, that inflames your discontent." - Ronald Knox

~ from the website of The Ronald Knox Society of North America (http://ronaldknoxsociety.com/biography.html)