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Akka essentials

  1. Typed Actors; What are typed actors?; Defining an actor; Creating actors; An actor with a default constructor; An actor with a non-default constructor; Messaging model; Sending messages; Fire and forget messages; Send and receive messages; Stopping actors; Actor lifecycle monitoring; Lifecycle callbacks; Receiving messages; Supervisor strategy; Creating an actor hierarchy; Dispatchers and routers; Using dispatchers; application.conf; Using routers; Summary; 5. Dispatchers and Routers; Dispatchers; Dispatcher as a pattern; Executor in Java; Dispatchers in Akka; Types of dispatcher.

This is a step-by-step guide where each chapter will teach you a concept by explaining it with clear and lucid examples? each chapter can be read independently. This book is aimed at developers, architects who are building large distributed concurrent and scalable applications using Java/Scala. The book assumes knowledge of Java/JEE concepts but no knowledge of Actor model is assumed.