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What is this book about? ASP.NET 2 Beta Preview is timed to coincide with the first widespread beta release of ASP.NET "Whidbey" -- the new version of Microsoft's popular technology for creating dynamic Web sites that pull unique information for each visitor rather that showing everyone the same static HTML pages. The book gets developers up to speed with the new features and capabilities that ASP.NET 2.0 provides. Developers will learn how to build ASP.NET 2.0 applications for themselves from the examples that the book provides. This book is for ASP.NET developers making the transition to this new version of the technology. The changes are many, and in some cases, they're quite dramatic. The book spends a good deal of time alerting you to all that has changed and explaining what you need to know to make the transition to ASP.NET 2.0. Finally, the book focuses on both the Visual Basic .NET and C# developer. Examples throughout ...

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