Away from the Kitchen provides a new breed of exploration into the chef-obsessed revolution by capturing the joys and pressures of a chef's life with a candid approach. America's favorite chefs from across the nation reveal who they are during private talks about their dreams, talents, creative endeavors, and until now undisclosed passions both inside and outside the kitchen. Featured chefs also offer up their cherished breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert menus--many of which include guarded or unpublished recipes. Robert Del Grande's "Country Western Breakfast," Nancy Silverton's "Farmer's Market Lunch for all Seasons," Frank Stitt's "Alabama Asado," and Roy Yamaguchi's "Hawaiian Garage Barbecue" are just a few of the imaginative and mouth-watering meals waiting to be discovered. "Away from""the Kitchen" delivers to those who want it all--the menus, the recipes, the tips, and the chef ""scoop"" --providing the unique ingredients that will make the "chef's cocktail" new and refreshing.