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Most widely held works by Jean-Guy Lavoie Il était une fois la vie-- : le spectacle inachevé by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 3 editions published in 1991 in French and held by 28 libraries worldwide Conséquences écologiques et humaines de la guerre : plaidoyer pour la prévention d'un holocauste nucléaire by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 17 libraries worldwide Biologie de l'extinction by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 14 libraries worldwide Conservation de la diversité biologique : problématique et solutions by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 2 editions published in 1985 in French and held by 13 libraries worldwide Impact de l'homme sur les forêts tropicales humides by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 2 editions published in 1985 in French and held by 12 libraries worldwide Principales causes humaines responsables de la raréfaction de la vie sauvage by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 2 editions published in 1985 in French and held by 12 libraries worldwide Les espèces menacées aux États-Unis : bref aperçu de la législation fédérale et des actions de certains intervenants by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 7 libraries worldwide Les organisations internationales, l'environnement et le développement by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 2 editions published in 1987 in French and held by 5 libraries worldwide Le développement récréatif : problématique et impacts by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 2 editions published in 1986 in French and held by 5 libraries worldwide Especes fauniques du Quebec susceptibles d'etre designees vulnerables ou menacees by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book ) 1 edition published in 1987 in French and held by 2 libraries worldwide