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Bergenske Christian Shriners

20 Tools to Enrich Your Life and Everyone Around You. Foreword by Pat Williams.

As you begin your campaign for a better life, there is no better place to start than with a positive attitude. In fact, in my mind if you do not start with a positive attitude, everything else you attempt will not turn out as well as it could. Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”. A positive mind will open up more doors, and give you the opportunity to perform at a higher level day in and day out. A positive attitude will make all of the other steps we will talk about in this book happen easier and with a better degree of success. A Positive attitude has been written about and talked about more often than I can imagine. Yet it seems to me I know very few people who I can say consistently have one. A healthy attitude can be contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.

Your attitude can be controlled by you if you are seriously committed to doing just that. Over the years I have seen people I am so proud of that despite any challenges they have stay focused. They have the ability to look at things in a realistic way, and to find the best of what they have to work with. They then diligently work the negative away and out of their plan until the positive takes over. Some people are pros at developing and keeping a positive attitude. It shows in all they do, and they live a successful life with many friends that admire and respect them. It truly is the best way to live and build a better life for yourself. All challenges become easier with the right attitude. I have often heard someone use the old cliché, “the harder I work the luckier I get”. I have used it myself a few times, and thought the real meaning of it is, “by keeping a good attitude, good things will happen for me”.