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Luke Harding

Conspiracies -- Russia Corrupción Política -- Estados Unidos Corrupción Política

Diciembre de 2016. Luke Harding se reúne en secreto con el ex-agente del M16 Christopher Steele en un pub londinense para hablar sobre las conexiones entre Rusia y el recién elegido presidente Donald J. Trump. Un mes despúes, el famoso dosier elaborado por Steele expone lo que luego se convirtió en quizás el mayor escándalo de la era moderna. Los nombres de los norteamericanos involucrados ya se conocen ampliamente -- Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, Carter Page -- pero Harding también arroja luz sobre poderosas figuras rusas como Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Serguéi Kisliak, Serguéi Gorkov e Ígor Sechin, cuyas motivaciones e instrucciones pueden haber provenido del mismo Vladímir Putin.

December 2016. [the author] and former Moscow bureau chief, quietly meets former MI6 officer Christopher Steele in a London pub to discuss President-elect Donald Trump's Russia connections. A month later, Steele's now-famous dossier sparks what may be the biggest scandal of the modern era. The names of the Americans involved are well-known--Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page--but here [the author] also shines a light on powerful Russian figures like Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Sergey Kislyak, whose motivations and instructions may have been coming from the highest echelons of the Kremlin. Drawing on new material and his expert understanding of Moscow and its players, [the author] takes the reader through every bizarre and disquieting detail of the 'Trump-Russia' story--an event so huge it involves international espionage, off-shore banks, sketchy real estate deals, the Miss Universe pageant, mobsters, money laundering, poisoned dissidents, computer hacking, and the most shocking election in American history.