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Civilization Social Life And Customs Medieval Cities And Towns

This is a book for all who are curious to know how it was to live in another time. It presents a new approach to the study of medieval life: first, it concentrates on a 50-year period, 1150-1200, not making the usual broad generalizations about the Middle Ages as though they were a single, homogeneous era; second, it presents medieval life through the experience of a medieval man. The reader goes on a journey with Alexander Neckham, rides the amounts he rode, lodges at hospices such as might have received him, walks the streets of London and Paris as Alexander found them, and visits the schools and baronial estates that he might have visited. Mr. Holmes draws steadily upon his wide, varied, and accurate knowledge of medieval literature -- Latin, French, and English -- to say nothing of iconography, painting, and architecture. The reader has a sense of being guided by two men familiar with the ground, one a medieval man, the other a modern expert. - Back cover.