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Human Body In Literature Revenge Private Investigators In Literature

"Fried chicken dispatcher, fifth story book by Carlos Velázquez, takes us through a series of protagonists and environments where the lie and the triquiñuelas; transvestism and dipsomania; delirium and disease; ruin and emotional disasters, form through its unmistakable caustic, sonic and swift prose, a scathing universe that ends up being a ruthless mirror in which even the most skeptical reader will be seduced and bewitched. A Mexican private detective receives the unprecedented charge of unmasking a false Paul McCartney, a cinephile and sensitive godin receives a karmic setback to his long career as a heartbreaker, a xenophobic orchestra conductor with his own people will take the community to the edge of madness; Tatahuila for his conflicts with authority, a transvestite will see his life ruined from a rectal ulcer that will lead him to the path of pseudo-evangelical redemption and a fried chicken dispatcher drags a dispute with his boss to a pendulum of revenge and revenges where the body itself will be used as the main battlefield. In these five stories, Velázquez manages to his pleasure the becoming of these quasi-fantastic beings so dispossessed, with a masterful handling of the structure and the form that reveres the great masters of the genre. Without ever leaving the sense of humor as a spearhead, lead the plots from a charming and enveloping premise, where everyone will let out a loud laugh"--Gandhi publisher website.

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