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Draft supplemental environmental impact statement

United States. Bureau of Land Management. Winnemucca Field Office

Gold Mines And Mining Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation Marigold Mine (Humboldt County

Glamis Gold, Inc. doing business as Glamis Marigold Mining Company (GMMC) proposes to construct new facilities and expand existing gold mining operations at the Marigold Mine in Humboldt County, Nevada. The mine is located on public and private lands near Interstate Highway 80 approximately 13 miles northwest of Battle Mountain and approximately 40 miles southeast of Winnemucca. The proposed Millennium Expansion Project would disturb approximately 667 acres of private land and 807 acres of BLM-administered public land, for a total of 1,474 acres. The proposed project would include: consolidation and deepening of two pits and development of five new pits; expansion of one waste rock storage area and development of three new waste rock storage areas; development of two new heap leach facilities and expansion of the existing heap leach facility; haul roads, solution ponds, growth media stockpiles, exploration drill pads and access roads, and storm water diversion channels; new support facilities; water supply system; and miscellaneous ancillary facilities. The Proposed Action would extend the mine operations an additional six years through 2013.