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Electronic Games

Walter H. Buchsbaum

Robert Mauro

Board Games Atari 2600 Stratego

This is a detailed electronics how-to, educational, programming, and design book. The book describes how computers work, and offers detailed schematics, and diagrams, of how electronic components can be arranged. It explains sound generation, writing programming code, trouble shooting programs. It covers things such as how hardware and software can be interlinked, for things like making video game controllers, and keyboards useable. Near the end it details, and reviews various electronic hand held games, and describes the games various technical properties, there is also a section on 3 video game consoles; Video Computer System 5200 {Atari 5200}, Intellivision, Colecovision Video Game System, and 4 arcade games; Bosconian, Pac-Man, Frogger, and Zaxxon. This book was originally published in Hardcover in 1979 under the title "Electronic Games: Design, Programming, and Troubleshooting", ISBN: 0070087210. The paperback version released in 1979, was titled "Microprocessor-Based Electronic Games", ISBN: 0070087229, and originally cost $9.95.