Elogio de la madrasta
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Elogio de la madrastra es una novela erótica del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa, ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 2010. Publicada en 1988, se centra en una pareja sexualmente abierta cuyas fantasías los llevan al límite de la moralidad. Está dedicada al director de cine español Luis García Berlanga.
In Praise of the Stepmother is an erotic novel by Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2010. Published in 1988, it is about a sexually open couple whose fantasies lead them to the edge of morality. The book is dedicated to Spanish film director Luis García Berlanga. The English translation published in 1990 was done by Helen Lane.
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