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First Footsteps in East Africa

Richard Francis Burton

Djibouti Somaliland Harar

On 29th October 1854Richard Burton left Aden for Zayla on the Somali coast. His expedition which included Lt Speke, Lt Stroyan and Lt Herne had been granted leave from the Indian Army, but no material support. Burtons plan was to make his way to Harar in Abyssinia whilst the other three were to investigate the Somali country with a view to procuring horses, camels and coal. Burton gives an account of his travels and privations on his three month tour ending with meeting the others at the port of Berbera. Whilst waiting for a gunboat to recover them they were attacked by a party of 300 Somalis. Stroyan was killed , Burton and Speke were both wounded and Herne survived unhurt. The book in two volumes, contains maps and illustrations and ends with the inclusion of Spekes diary.