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Frontiers for the American century

"Frontiers for the American Century compares the cultural politics of the U.S. space and Antarctic programs during the Cold War. It analyzes how culturally salient terms, especially the nationalist motif of the frontier, were used to garner public support for these strategic initiatives and, more generally, United States internationalism during this period"--

"Space and Antarctic exploration were the most dramatic endeavors of the Cold War. Employing the latest science and technology to explore the remaining frontiers, these programs were designed to stimulate an American century of freedom and prosperity for humankind. However, these programs came to represent distinctive aspects of the ideal U.S. leadership of the 'Free World.' Frontiers for the American Century : Outer Space, Antarctica, and Cold War Nationalism by James Spiller explores the cultural politics, nationalism, and history that led these programs to different paths of celestial pioneering and environmental guardianship"--