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Vicente F. Herrasti

Novela Histórica Encubrimiento Secrecy -- Fiction

Around the year 130 BC, after a long journey, the destinies of young Avi and the mythical Evaristus of Pagala coincide near the Hindu Kush mountains. The encounter, seemingly casual, sparks a tale in which adventure, spirituality, history, and language combine in a boundless literary experience that, gradually, leads to initiation. To get to that point, the reader must delve into the peculiar Portus Macedonum, into the magical isle of Bibakta, and into the passes, caves, and rivers of the Kush mountains, which hide secrets almost as old as mankind itself. The memorable characters and situations, the manner of addressing the so-called "big themes," and the stylistic strength reveal the novel's true protagonist: beauty, that eternal mediator between the human and the divine that knows how to say everything without words.