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Grammatica digitalis I

Arian J. C. Verheij

Bible Hebrew Language Language

The Werkgroep Informatica is a research group at the theological faculty of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, which has been specializing since 1977 in the computer-assisted study of the Hebrew Bible. The Werkgroep has developed a computer text of the Hebrew Bible, which through a code of symbols, reflects the morphemic structure of each word; it is a so-called morphologically coded text.

This book is, in the first place, a description of the morphological code itself: a presentation of the symbols that are used in the text, and their meanings. As such, it may serve as a reference manual for those who work with the text. In addition, it describes the theory behind the code, and explains how the code is evaluated by computer programs. These pages may, therefore, also be read as a practical essay in the computer assisted processing of basic linguistic information.