Handbook of machine tool analysis
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First publish year 2002
This reference offers efficient methods of design, structural analysis, and algorithm formulation to reduce waste, noise, and breakage in system function, identify faults in system construction, and achieve optimal machine tool performance-investigating aspects including force, noise, vibration, and acoustic emission to predict the durability and strength of major system components.The Handbook of Machine Tool Analysis evaluatesnoise levels for different types of machine toolsthe effect of abrasion, fissure, and chemical diffusion on acoustic emission signalsthe role of neural networks in machine tool diagnosticsthe Kurtosis method in virtual instrumentationand containstechniques to increase productivity, quality, and strength in system operationcurrent analytical procedures for machine tool assessment and integration in manufacturing processesmathematical models of major elements in the kinematic feed chainmodern approaches to precisely diagnose defects in the behavior of bearings, rolling guides, and gears Written by seasoned experts in the field, the Handbook of Machine Tool Analysis is a comprehensive source for mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, design, product, aerospace, automotive, systems, test, and software engineers, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.
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