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Prices Of Wales Museum University Of Bombay Colaba

It is the only book which tells you the real story of the "City of Dreams" right from the time it was a group of 7 small islands. It tells you who were/are her real inhabitants, the earliest communities staying here. As the story continues, the book tells us how it went to the British crown, then to the company. The book tells you how the 7 islands were connected and how her development took place. It speaks about the different Governors of the British crown who played a major role in her development. The book speaks about the life, society, culture and architecture of Bombay and how it developed. It speaks about the various philanthrophist's whose generous donations made Bombay what it is. It speaks about the beautiful buildings and their architecture which still survives in Bombay. It is a book which takes you back to the great old days of Bombay.