Isländische Volkssagen der Gegenwart
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First publish year 1860
English: Contemporary Icelandic Folktales (primarily from oral lore collected and in German by Konrad v. Maurer) This volume is the result of K. v. Maurer's travels and research in the late 1850's into Icelandic folklore.
Following an extensive foreword (Vorrede) describing his analysis of the basis for his findings, v. Maurer relates his findings in categories: mythical tales (mythische Sagen), ghost stories (Spuksagen), tales of magic/magicians (Zaubersagen), legends (Legenden), historical tales (Historische Sagen), fairytales (Maerchen), humorous stories (Schwaenke) followed by a section on corrections/improvements (Nachtraege/Verbesserungen) and an index to persons who contributed to the work.
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