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Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal organizations have worked hard to raise public awareness about the perils of habitat destruction and the loss of this region’s biodiversity. Species at Risk...leave no footprint is the culmination of many years of involvement with likeminded interests. This visual point-of-fact book outlines, in brief summary, the biology, habitat, threats, and simple actions, which we can all adopt to end the extermination. The number of subjects to choose from was many on the long list of Species at Risk. The twenty subjects portrayed each have a message to those of us who trespass or enter their habitats. They are telling us that our ignorance and inaction is destroying their habitats, killing their young, and poisoning their food, water, and air. The pictorial stories revealed in the following pages declare a reality that we can no longer ignore. The destruction of precious habitats by humans must end. Their message is strong and clear…stop destroying our environment. Is controlling nature worth destroying our environment and our biodiversity, killing our young, and poisoning our food, water, and air? Protecting, respecting, and caring for biodiversity and habitats has its genesis in Aboriginal Peoples world view, traditional knowledge, and oral tradition.