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Tráfico De Drogas Y Narcóticos Drug Traffic Drug Dealers

"Reporteros y corresponsales del semanario Proceso estuvieron durante semanas en los territorios donde se desarrolla la guerra del gobierno mexicano contra el narco, declarada por el presidente Felipe Caldeŕon al inicio de su sexenio. Encontraron lo que muestran, sin matices, en los materiales periodistícos que recoge La guerra del narco: una gigantesca cosecha de sangre, una población escéptica que lo mismo teme a los narcotraficantes que a los militares, marinos y policías; regiones que vieron modificada radicalmente su forma de vida ..."----p. [4] of cover.

The Mexican Drug War is an ongoing armed conflict taking place among rival drug cartels, who fight each other for regional control, and Mexican government forces who seek to combat drug trafficking. Although Mexican drug cartels, or drug trafficking organizations, have existed for a few decades, they have become more powerful since the demise of Colombia's Cali and Medellín cartels in the 1990s. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illicit drug market in the United States. Arrests of key cartel leaders, particularly in the Tijuana and Gulf cartels, have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fight for control of the trafficking routes into the United States. Prized Mexican magazine Proceso, gathers journalist's and correspondent's first hand experiences in the war zone between the narcotraffic lords and the actual government. Civilians witness the bloodiest death toll in recent Mexican history. Small towns experience violence from the military force, police, marines and territory fights between cartels. --Publisher.