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Life with Swan

In this roman a clef, Paul West transcribes and transforms his own life and love with captivating eloquence. Recounting his now-quarter-century union with Swan (poet and naturalist Diane Ackerman) with wit and tenderness, the narrator re-creates their times together and their friendship with Raoul Bunsen - a Carl Sagan-like character.

Meeting Bunsen turns out to be one of the most fortunate events of their shared lives, for he fans the couple's passion for all things astronomical. Through Bunsen's connections, they are invited to behind-the-scenes looks at momentous shuttle launches at Cape Canaveral and cosmic discoveries at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena - experiences that prove creatively inspiring for them both.

Their agony and elation over the failures and successes they witness are told with a precision that illuminates the space program while bringing to it a rare humanity. This is a story about a deep and honest love that burns undaunted, whether suffering the hilarious indignities and excesses of ivy-covered academia or the highs and lows of coming face-to-face with our galaxy.