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Fish Stock Assessment Chinook Salmon Salmon Stock Management

In response to the guidelines established in the Policy for Management of Sustainable Salmon Fisheries (SSFP; 5 AAC 39.222), the Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) classified the Norton Sound Subdistrict 5 (Shaktoolik) and Subdistrict 6 (Unalakleet) Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha stock as a stock of concern, specifically a yield concern, at its January 2004 meeting. An action plan was developed by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and acted upon by the BOF in January 2004. The SSFP directs ADF&G to assess salmon stocks in areas addressed during the BOF regulatory cycle to identify stocks of concern and in the case of Norton Sound Subdistricts 5 and 6 Chinook salmon, to reassess the stock of concern status. In 2007, the BOF continued the Subdistrict 5 and Subdistrict 6 Chinook salmon classification as a stock of yield concern and adopted a Chinook salmon management plan (5 AAC 04.395) in order to increase escapements and restore the stock to historical levels of abundance. Escapement goals were achieved in 2007 and 2009, but only as a result of the subsistence fishing schedule stipulated in the management plan, inriver gillnet mesh size restrictions, and early closures to subsistence and sport fisheries. Given the continued inability to maintain near average yields despite the use of specific management measures, the Subdistricts 5 and 6 Chinook salmon stock continues to meet the definition for a stock of yield concern as defined in the SSFP. Therefore, ADF&G recommends continuing the stock of yield concern classification. ADF&G is recommending changes to the management plan in order to ensure commercial fisheries directed on chum O. keta and pink salmon O. gorbuscha are prosecuted in a manner that does not negatively affect the Subdistricts 5 and 6 Chinook salmon subsistence fishery and escapement.