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Os faiais de Galicia

Rodríguez Guitián, M.A. & Rigueiro Rodríguez, A. (Coords.)

Beech Fagus Iberian Peninsula

Beech forests of Galicia: ecology and environmental value This work brings together the results of a large group of researchers over more than ten years of work aimed to study and characterization of forests dominated by Fagus sylvatica the western end of the Cantabrian mountains, especially those located within the territory of Galician and some neighboring areas of Asturias and Leon. It is a great collective effort for providing information in the most accessible way possible to your potential readers (college students, high school teachers, environmental managers, private owners of the land in which they are located these forests, people in charge of the dissemination of the natural values or simply lovers of nature in general), without detriment to the rigor and scientific and technical value of the data provided.

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