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Os hábitats de interese comunitario en Galicia. Descrición e valoración territorial

Pablo Ramil-Rego

Manuel A. Rodríguez Guitián

Boris A. Hinojo Sánchez

P.M. Rodríguez González

Javier Ferreiro da Costa

Marco Rubinos Román

Luis Gómez-Orellana

Belén de Nóvoa Fernández

Ramón A. Díaz Varela

Susana Martínez Sánchez

Carmen Cillero Castro

Biodiversity 92743/Cee Directive Iberian Península

The Council Directive 92/43 / EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora has been a positive and positive net in the formulation of conservation policies in the countries of the European Union.

The approval of Law 42/2007 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, incorporates definitively, and without ambiguities, the Habitats and Birds directives to the Spanish legal system. Strengthening the path that previously marked community standards. Natural habitats now acquire a relevant role in conservation strategies and policies, typifying as infractions, without embassies, alteration or destruction of natural habitats.

The document presented here attempts to cover this gap, taking into account the existing knowledge needs, this guide being understood as an open tool for new additions and revisions, derived from better scientific information available both at European, state and Galician level.

Dedicated to the illustrious botanist Baltasar Merino y Román (1845,1917), in the centenary of the publication of Enlightenment and Descriptive Flora of Galicia (1905-1909).