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P22 Type Foundry

Printing Specimens Type And Type-Founding

"Charles E. Burchfield - The Font Project : The Burchfield-Penney Art Center in Buffalo featured an exhibit of work by P22 Type Foundry which highlighted a special font commissioned by the BPAC. This font based on the handwriting of noted American artist Charles E. Burchfield is not actually available for sale, but rather it is a proprietary font made for the museum."--publisher.

"In 2013, Richard Kegler, co-founder and lead designer of Buffalo based P22 Type Foundry, was commissioned by the Burchfield Penney Art Center to create the Charles E. Burchfield font to honor the artist. Using scans of Burchfield's hand-written letters, a dynamic font was made where letters alter depending on the context in which they appear. This gives the effect of natural handwrining where two identical letters appearing next to each other with have slight (or even drastic) variations. The final font resides in the permanent collection of the Center. The introduction of the font was presented at an exhibition in February 2015 (on exhibit until Jan 2016). The process is documented in a specimen booklet as part of the P22 Chapbook Series."