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Theology--Early Works To 1800 Early Christian Literature

Translations of Oriental books, from Arabic, Ancient Greek, Coptic and Syriac, into French. Contains the works: I. — Al. Vasilliev. Kitab al-ʻUnvan. Histoire universelle écrite par Agapius (Mahboub) de Menbidj (I, 2). [Kitab al-ʻUnvan. Universal history written by Agapius (Mahboub) of Manbij] II. — Fr. Vanderstuyf. La vie de saint Luc le Stylite. [The Life of St. Luke the Stylite] III. — E. Porcher. Histoire d’Isaac, patriarche jacobite d’Alexandrie. [History of Isaac, Jacobite Patriarch of Alexandria] IV. — Fr. Nau. Ammonas, successeur de saint Antoine. Textes grecs et syriaques. [Ammonas, successor of St. Anthony] V. — René Basset. Le synaxaire arabe jacobite (Moid de Ṭoubeh et d’Amchir). [The Arabic Jacobite synaxary (Months of Tobi and Meshir)]