Periódico tierra
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This book is the outcome of the research entitled: "Periódico Tierra: análisis estético, gráfico e histórico de los discursos visuales que circularon en la colombiana entre 1928 y 1939" (Tierra Newspaper: aesthetic, graphic and historical analysis of the visual discourses that circulated in Colombia between 1928 and 1939), a project that brought together researchers from the Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano and the Universidad Santo Tomás and that focused on studying the phenomena of production, circulation and consumption of the periodical Tierra, active in Colombia between 1928 and 1939. These phenomena were articulated with the analysis of the visual discourses that were created for the newspaper and that have a close relationship, both ideological and political, with the Colombian Communist Party. The research starts from the importance of studies in which the image, its production, circulation and consumption are articulated, with the historical context in which possibly emerged forms of appropriation of some visual discourses that were linked to a communist ideological apparatus that was beginning to consolidate in Colombia. Then, by historian with images, it is sought to articulate different moments of the Colombian context between 1932 and 1938, to reconstruct the visual discourses ? processes with which it can contribute to the construction of the collective memory that is Colombian from the perspective of design, semiology and discourse analysis.
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