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Pet German shepherd

I've owned this book since 1954 (copyright 1954), when we got our first GSD, Rex, and I was all of seven years old.

PET GERMAN SHEPHERD has had an honored space on my book shelf ever since. Mr. Schalk Table of Contents includes: Introduction, Character, A Brief History, Exercise and Environment, The New Puppy at Home, Training, Grooming, Showing, The Health of Your Shepherd, the Novice Breeder, Care of Mother and Family, The Spaying Question, Care of the Aging Pet, and German Shepherd Standard.

This book is all of 59 pages, but Mr. Schalk give the new German Shepherd owner some thoughtful and wise information. In particular the words on attempting to be your own vet struck hard and have been with me for all of 64 years.

And I quote, "Keep your dog as long as he is happy and comfortable. Do everything you can reasonably can to keep him that way. But when the sad time comes that he is sick, always uncomfortable, or in some pain, it is your obligation then to him him put to sleep...But you owe it to your old friend to allow him to go to sleep...And because you loved your old dog as much as you did, you'll pay him the greatest tribute. He proved to you that there's nothing quite so wonderful as a fine German shepherd, so in his honor you'll get another German shepherd as soon as you can. I think he'd like it that way."