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"En tant que procédé compositionnel, la conjonction des temps par une scène - ou une série de scènes - de ressouvenir qui caractérise la Recherche du temps perdu est peut-être immanente à l'art narratif"--Volume 1, back cover.
"As a composition process, the way a scene or a series of scenes of remembrance bring together different times, which defines À la recherche du temps perdu, may be immanent in the art of narration. This work examines this hypothesis by looking at the French novel from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries"
As a compositional process, the conjunction of times by a scene - or series of scenes - of recollection that characterizes La Recherche du temps perdu may be immanent in narrative art. This book confronts the assumption French novel of the XVII th XVIII th centuries...--Translated by Fabula: