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Probability theory on Boolean algebras of events

Octav Onicescu

Ion Cuculescu

Boolean Algebra Probabilities Boolean Rings

This book applies mathematical concepts, such as lattice theory and Boolean algebras, to the construction of a more general formulation of probability theory. Most of the chapters develop the mathematical framework of this theory, but the final chapters discuss its application to random processes, and especially to Markov processes. The presentation is very condensed and very abstract, though clearly expressed, so that this book is most likely to interest mathematicians and probability theorists. Although its publishers claim that it is "also interesting by the vast perspective which it opens for the applications of the new theory", it is disappointing that no applications to specific practical problems are mentioned. There may well be results in the book that could be applied to queueing theory and other topics of interest to operational researchers, but it seems likely that a considerable effort will be needed to extract them!