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Rational Bacteriology

J. R. Verner

C. W. Weiant

R. J. Watkins

Béchamp Microbiology Pasteur

The following is from the Preface:

This Outline is written with two objects in mind. It aims, first of all, to give to the student and the drugless practitioner those basic facts and principles of bacteriology which underlie the hygiene of the communicable diseases and sanitation, which create an appreciation of the true role of bacteria in disease, and which make possible the interpretation of diagnostic laboratory reports. Incidentally, this is the knowledge usually required to pass a state board examination in the subject.

The book has, however, a second and more important object, namely, that of making public some of the outstanding results of medical and bacteriological research of the past few years which undermine the whole germ theory of disease causation and the practices of serum and vaccine therapy or prophylaxis based thereon. It is hoped by the authors that this material, all of which will be found carefully authenticated, may speedily become of service not only to professional groups, but to all laymen, especially parents and educators, who are interested in having the truth prevail.