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Recasting the red star

Timothy L. Thomas

Military History Military Intelligence Reorganization

The metaphor "recasting the red star" emphasizes the changing nature of Russia's military which still relishes its legacy. For nearly a century, the Red Star has been a symbol of Russia's armed forces, which are still regaining their strength as they emerge from the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Despite failed reform initiatives, and Russia's two wars fought against Chechen extremists and the war fought against Georgia over South Ossetia, the military is advancing and modernizing. Its weaponry and equipment updates represent responses to the perceived impact of information-age technologies on military affairs. Russia's military leaders have integrated these digital processes into their operational art and strategic planning. Further, they've reorganized the military and launched a serious campaign against corruption in the force. This book tracks the modernization through three threads of tradition, technology, and toughness, with the latter thread represented by the staunch support that President Dmitriy Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and Defense Minister Anatoliy Serdyukov have provided the reform effort.