Redefining equality
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This is a collection of insightful essays in which noted scholars in law, history, and social science present varying perspectives on this fundamental concept. Addressing the specific cases behind the headlines and the abstract arguments within the legal texts, such contributors as Kathryn Abrams, Erwin Chemerinsky, Drew S. Days III, Richard Delgado, David J. Garrow, Hugh Davis Graham, Jennifer L. Hochschild, Jeremy Rabkin, Gerald N. Rosenberg, and David A.
Strauss look closely at everything from school busing programs and affirmative action to the role of the courts and the politics of equality. Various examples and definitions of equality, culled from America's past and present, are summarized and examined in ways that illustrate how and why equality issues directly affect men and women of all races and backgrounds.
A balanced array of assessments regarding our nation's historical and contemporary thoughts on equality and civil rights, Redefining Equality will prove most informative to students of law, political science, and recent American history.
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