Check Later
...a hazardous substances study of a proposed development project (the Ruggles Center) site (parcels 18 and 18B) in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood; evaluates the source(s), nature and extent of oil or hazardous materials at the site, identifies possible exposure of human or environmental receptors to contaminants and characterizes the risk of harm to human health and the environment; Volume 1 includes a site history, describes existing conditions, summarizes previous studies, discusses geology and groundwater conditions, presents results of various tests, evaluates soil treatment/disposal options, summarizes a health risk assessment and makes recommendations; it also includes a summary of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), test pit reports, test boring logs, groundwater monitoring reports, etc.; Volume 2 contains laboratory data on soil and groundwater samples; Volume 3 is a detailed health risk assessment and discusses proposed site use, identifies hazards, and assesses risks from potential carcinogens as well as non-carcinogens; includes a section on safety, public welfare and environmental risk characteristization; also includes recommendations, chemical profiles and risk calculations; a copy of these volumes was in the BRA collection...