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Political Violence Guerrilla Warfare Handbooks

Revolutionäre Kriegswissenschaft: Ein Handbüchlein zur Anleitung betreffend Gebrauches und Herstellung von Nitroglycerin, Dynamit, Schiessbaumwolle, Knallquecksilber, Bomben, Brandsätzen, Giften u.s.w., u.s.w.

by Johann Most

No publisher indicated but published in New York City by IInternationaler Zeitung-Verein, circa 1883.

Title translation: Revolutionary War Science: A handbook on how to use and manufacture nitroglycerin, dynamite, gun cotton, explosive mercury, bombs, incendiary devices, poisons, etc., etc.

The original of this little terrorist manual resides in the Labadie Collection, Special Collections Department of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Scan is by Google as part of their Google Books project.

First published in the USA prior to 1923, public domain.

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