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Rhetoric Alive!

Alyssan Barnes PhD

Collectionid:Hsrhet Report Writing Highschool Curriculum

Rhetoric Alive! Book 1: Principles of Persuasion from Classical Academic Press explores the principles of speech as developed in Aristotle's Rhetoric. Fifteen chapters teach students the essential components of persuasion, including three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos), five canons of rhetoric (invention, organization, style, memory, and delivery), and three kinds of rhetoric (deliberative, epideictic, and judicial). Each chapter includes a classic text for analysis and discussion, such as Pericles's "Funeral Oration" or Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, "Letter from Birmingham Jail." The discussion texts are followed by discussion questions, workshops, and presentation assignments. 358 pages, softcover with glossary. Can be used over one semester or one year. Grades 10-12.

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