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Roman roads in Britain

Ivan D. Margary

Roman History Geography Travelogue

This is a masterpiece with regards to the routes of the Roman roads in Britain. With an obvious love of the subject Ivan Donald Margary describes the routes of the known Roman roads. The detail that he goes into is incredible. He produced a numbering index for each road, no matter how minor.
I recently completed a walk of 300 miles, following in the footsteps of the Ninth Legion during the invasion of Britannia in the 1st century AD. My journey took me from Richborough on the Kent coast to York, via a detour to Colchester. The book that I have written (Off the Straight and Narrow) could not have been completed without my copy of Margary at my side. Anyone serious about studying the Roman roads in Britain needs to get this book. Although it is long out of print (last published in 1973) I was able to get a very good used copy via Ebay.