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Selected Tales and Sketches

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Michael J. Colacurcio

Fiction Classics Manners And Customs Literary Fiction

31 Selections: Alice Doane's Appeal Ambitious Guest Artist of the Beautiful Birth-Mark Celestial Railroad Christmas Banquet Earth's Holocaust Egotism; or the Bosom-Serpent Endicott and the Red Cross Ethan Brand Gray Champion Hall of Fantasy Haunted Mind Hollow of the Three Hills Legens of the Province-House Man of Adamant May-Pole of Merry Mount Minister's Black Veil Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe Mrs. Hutchinson My Kinsman, Major Molineux Night Sketches Notch of the White Mountains Passages from a Relinquished Work Rappaccini's Daughter Roger Malvin's Burial Sir William Phips Sunday at Home Wakefield Wives of the Dead Young Goodman Brown