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Sex Havens

Dr. WG Hill

Tax Havens Permanent Tourist Sex Havens

(Formerly titled "Sex Havens for Tax Fiends")

This fascinating and very detailed book by the always-informative Dr. W.G. Hill takes you on a world tour of the hottest sex scenes with addresses, phone numbers, local "etiquette, " social cautions, great stories, and a whole lot more. Dr. Hill has "been there, done that, " and he generously reveals all his inside secrets for getting the most for your time and money, no matter where you are-and what you choose to do.

Message from the editor The PT & Privacy Secrets Web, and The PTclub and PT Refuge. This is W. G. Hill's Official website.

While Sex Havens. HAS the status of being "collector's item" the buyer should be informed this book was written many years ago and it contains outdated information that DOES NOT work anymore.

While Sex Havens. holds its status as a historical record and a collector's item, no one should use old information as a roadmap into the offshore world.

SOME People buy these books as a guide to the offshore world but today they are no longer suitable due to the many changes in the laws and policies of "Big Brother" after the events of 9-11.

The Offshore world has changed. Some people like to read about the Permanent Tourist life or the offshore world but they never intend to do anything about it. For them Sex Havens. is fine. Why? Because it provides a historical record of the times when it was much easier and cheaper to get second passports and periods where many countries and tax havens were much more open to immigration. Getting residence was free and involved little more than registering with the local police. Nowadays, readers will need the guidance of newer manuals like Bye Bye Big Brother, by Grandpa

Many websites offer ancient, a worthless tax haven and offshore information and long dead solutions. Selling our old outdated information, books and reports are neither authorized by us nor is it ethical. Not only that, only our own book buyers get an email conference with the author, Grandpa, an ex-lawyer (who hates lawyers) and a long experienced PT. Our readers can get a preliminary opinion on any move or second passport option. Many readers have saved thousands of dollars by avoiding the scams that are 99% of the bogus deals offered on the internet. Plus, only our readers will be invited to join a free PT (members only) questions and answers forum of experienced travelers who escaped from Big Brother to earn invisible incomes and become "new citizens" of approximately 50 countries.

For updated information on Sex Havens., and other updated material on W. G. Hill´s books and reports from our comprehensive selection of updated PT, Privacy, Personal, Tax Havens and Asset Protection material...

Go to W. G. Hills Official website: The PTclub @ The PTsecrets WEB

About the Author Dr. W. G. Hill, a former American citizen, entrepreneur, self-made millionaire, author and inveterate traveler, was influenced by the concepts of Harry Schultz. He had found a winning formula on which to base his future. In 1989, after years of living a PT lifestyle and fine-tuning many new ideas, Hill wrote the first definitive book on the subject, entitled "PT". This valuable work discusses the essence of the philosophy and is definitely recommended reading for anyone who aspires to a free and uncompromising way of life.

For updated material on W. G. Hill´s books and reports from our comprehensive selection of updated PT, Privacy, Personal, Tax Havens and Asset Protection material...

JO!N The OFFICIAL PT Club & the PT Refuge! 3 for 1 >> The PT Library 50+ books and PT reports, The PTclub Community and The PT Refuge PTclub.FreedomPrivacyWealth.com Go to W. G. Hills Official website: @ The PTclub @ The PTsecrets WEB. FreedomPrivacyWealth.com

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